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22 May 2024 Nerdgasm Decks

This week I am using some Nerdgasm decks from my collection.

The Actual decks used and Crystal Meanings have been added to the FB page. Be sure to check your crystal messages.

I have posted the deck image, as well as the crystals I used for the week and I have also posted your card selection and meanings on your comments on the Facebook post.

This post is closed, but you can still choose your deck choice below and scroll down for the meaning and crystal from the corresponding deck.

You can also add cards to your weekly card for pull by becoming a supporter through my Ko-Fi, for the available tiers as follows:

  • Koha - $5 or more one time donation = one extra card (one off)

  • $10 Monthly = One extra card weekly

  • $20 Monthly = Two extra cards weekly


1. Harry Potter Magical Meditations by Jody Revenson - Stromatolite -

2. Game of Thrones Tarot by Liz Dean &Craig Coss - Pyrite -

3. Fallout The Official Tarot Deck by Tori Schafer & Ronnie Senteno - Carnelian -

For those who missed this week - Here are the General Cards.

Deck 1

Deck 2

Deck 3

If anyone offers you a reading or tells you you won something by PM - Ignore it - they are twats, bots or trolls.  I will never do that - nor do I condone anyone else doing it.

All of these were purchased on online.  

Most of my decks are purchased through The Woo-Woo Shop, gifted from clients and friends, or traded with other Card Lovers.

Did you know that I also trade readings, for good used decks??!!

Thank you and see you next week!

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