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Angels and Cheese

Angels and Cheese

For four days, I have been smelling cigarette smoke at home and in the cars and we don’t smoke, so I knew it was a Spirit.

Either my Nana Pizza, or my step dad Greg, as they always smelled like that.

This morning , Sophia was getting ready for school in full melt down mode, screaming and then whining, and then she started yelling at someone to shut up and get out of her room.

Max and I were downstairs, so I went to ask her who she was talking to.

She said, “I hate it when the room turns blue, then those angels ask me if I like cheese!”

I unintentionally fueled her anger by laughing out loud, as I knew what it meant.

When she stopped making her growling and hissing noises and clawing me, I explained it to her.

Of course, she said, “Oh, well, that is a stupid saying.” Then she yelled, “It’s not funny Grampa!”

So here is the explanation: When she was just about two, and would whine and throw a tanty at ‘Grampa’s’ he would say, “Oh no, do you want some cheese with that whine? Well do ya, huh, do ya, how about some crackers!?” in a funny voice and walk toward the kitchen, and she would eventually smile and say yes and toddle off to the kitchen.

In his special and gentle way, he turned her anger into cuddles even when she was extremely mad.

He also told her that the grumpy reliever teacher (substitute) would be at school today, so she is home, as she refused to go. I won’t make her go against her intuition… or her Grampa’s.

She is at Aunty’s instead while Mommy pulls herself together.

I do miss him, as I am sure lots of us do, and I wanted you to let everyone know he is making the rounds. So if you smell cigarette smoke, say Hi, because he really is there with you.

I Love all of you, my Family.

UPDATE: When Max came home he confirmed the grumpy reliever was there today, in Sophia’s class. Well done Grampa.


Grampa Greg and Sophia in 2007, she is wiping crumbs from his face with a napkin.

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