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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

Angels and Guidance

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When I first began allowing myself to use my intuition again, I used The Angels Talk Angel board. (Made by Kaye Sturgis, Larry Sturgis, Deborah Taylor and Michael Keller.)

It started out slowly with messages from various Angels, then one day the messages came without moving the reader. The words began flowing directly into my mind and I began automatic writing. The messages were for myself and others and poetry, lots of poetry which had a healing effect on the people they were written for. I gave the board away as I no longer needed it, but I still enjoyed sharing it with my family and friends.

I was fascinated with all things metaphysical and began reading everything I could get my hands on, sometimes reading 3 books per week. I have a collection of over 500 books which I have read. Many were about different cultures beliefs on spirituality, as well as the religious. I wanted the widest possible foundations with which to base my OWN belief system upon, so I became a seeker, heck I still am, it never goes away.

I loved tarot cards and I ended up buying many different decks as I was fascinated by the variation in energies as well as messages and images they offered. they also gave me such different energy patterns that I loved choosing which ones I liked for certain people and mixing up the readings with more than one deck. The seeking was the best, I loved learning, taking classes, attending workshops, getting certificates in different modalities, etc. Then I lost myself, for another’s vision, and I have sworn to not do that again.

Ten years into my spiritual journey, I trained with a Psychic Medium for 6 years and during that time I gave away most of my decks as I took it literally when she said, “God doesn’t use tools, he speaks with you directly.” Yes, I reluctantly gave away all my decks in my precious collection, as I wanted my readings to be as accurate as possible. But I am sure they went where they were supposed to as I chose who got them carefully, and donated the rest. At that point, I was still very much a ‘people pleaser’ and did not know how to exercise my own voice.

I see now, that indeed tools are effective if that is how you choose to gain insight, it is up to the reader, whether they use cards, candles, pendulums, tea leaves, bones, runes, clouds, animals, etc., etc.

Often times we follow someone blindly making the assumption that they know what works best for us, and sometimes, we know what works best for our clients or seekers.

After being asked so often, to do tarot readings, I began using them again. Often times a person who is afraid of spirit activity will allow a tarot card reading as it is not as scary to them or as taboo. Often times, they don’t want cards used and prefer a pendulum. It just depends on what they need in that moment. I like to mix it up, I have a couple decks I like, and at times I use nothing. I go with what feels right in the moment.

So I thought I would just put it out there that I do believe at times tools are a doorway to guidance from Angels or other Guidance that someone may be needing. I firmly believe gaining insight in whichever way is comfortable for not only yourself; but your Guest, is awesome – just as long as you do not become reliant only upon the tools, and distrust your own intuition.

That Angel Board was a doorway for me and I know it connected me with my Guides and Angels. My writing began to take off and my creativity blossomed as I lost my fear of unseen things that had been drilled into me by the world others chose to see. I am just grateful my Family was open enough to not only allow my searching but actively encourage it. My mom, step-dad brothers and sisters, as well as my friends, sat with me for hours as I developed my re-connection. I am blessed.

So Teachers are wonderful, but remember in all, you are your own best teacher, follow your inner knowing and remember you know on some level, what works for you. No matter how many teachers, opinions, workshops or certificates you get, you are the user of your toolbox, so feel free to explore your tools you have collected over the years if you feel so inclined. No one has a right to define your path for you, only to offer tools to add to your kit.

The funny thing is, many who claim these boards or tools are a doorway to false light entities, are themselves at times under the guidance of the same, calling themselves Aunt Martha or Uncle Joe. All beings come from the same source, so we cannot claim to only deal with light when we live in a world of duality.

In addition, we all have our own issues and filters which taint our view, the hope is that you will find your own view, sifting through all you come across and only take in what ‘feel right’ or ‘rings true’ for you in the moment. What feels right today, may not feel the same in 4 days or 4 years; as your energy will have shifted by then. ALL is as it should be in this NOW moment and no one has a right to condemn you for your choice of spiritual practice, whatever it may be.

Besides that Aunt Martha only knows what she knew while alive, she doesn’t suddenly become an Angel, whereas Angels have never lost their connection to Source, as they have not stepped onto the wheel of forgetting as a human, they are still pure. Spirit guides, have more knowledge, but still not that of an Angelic Being, yes our collective is a combination of all. Being open to all our resources is only logical if we wish to fully experience ourselves in Human Form. The spiritual bias and judgements really need to stop, in my not so humble opinion.

We ALL have something to offer or we would not have been created in the first place.

Just Be You. You are Awesome!

Big hugs ~ M

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