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Animal’s Visit

Animal’s Visit

Lying in bed, I knew it was time to get up and get the kids ready for school. My sweet husband was already up getting ready for work.

I suddenly found my consciousness in the back yard looking at the biggest German Shepherd I had ever seen.

A beautiful lean dog with very dark colouring for a shepherd, black on her face and a very sweet energy about her.

She was sitting to the side, as shepherds do, up against the fence looking over at Odie, our living dog, who seemed a bit confused by this visitor.

I smiled and wandered back into my room and my body. Then I had a thought, ‘oh no, what if it was a real dog and not spirit, I better check again.’ So I lifted back out to search again.

I found myself in the kitchen looking out the window and saw her still in the yard, but she had moved over to just under the window.

She was sitting there looking at me and had Odie in front of her. All of a sudden she grabbed him with her front paw and started the dominance hump, then just fell over being playful.

Odie fell over and did not look amused and he hopped off in a hissy and pouted as she faded away. (Odie had a deformed paw from birth so he hopped on three legs in a very cute way.)

I found myself laughing as I roused myself from my bed, and went to greet the kids.

The first thing I did was to see how Odie was and sure enough, he was in the same place, still pouting.

I laughed again and began to tell Brent about my vision of our visitor. I described the dog with hand movements for size, etc. and showed him where they had been through the window.

We both got a laugh at Odie’s reaction as he was still in that spot pouting instead of yapping for his breakfast like usual.

Brent said that it sounded like his dog Animal who was a shepherd mix that was very dark and had a sweet personality. She always sat funny to the side as I had described.

He said the weird part was that Animal use to grab the cats and hump them and that they use to get quite a laugh at how strange that was.

Then it hit us that it actually was Animal and the humping thing was letting him know it really was her.

After work, he got out his photo album and showed me this picture and sure enough, it was Animal after all.



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