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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

April Newsletter

Greetings from Whanganui,

I hope all is well with you. What a crazy year it has been so far! This is a quick Newsletter with updates for April 2022.


I have been pretty busy for the past several months but all in a good way. I have been studying and expanding my psychic gifts, embracing my mediumship abilities, expanding my energy work, doing readings and mentoring and writing my book about

the Spiritual Development Process.


I am actually doing really well considering the challenges I have with my Parkinsonian Journey. I am awaiting a neurologist appointment, but it has not stopped me from doing what I love. I am still doing my crochet designing and other projects when I can. I do have off periods which I ride out and rest through but I always keep smiling, helping others and doing my best. The sessions leave me feeling fantastic not drained so I love working.

Services Available

I am currently offering Psychic Readings, Akashic Mining and Energy Work sessions via ZOOM at this time. I have found the readings are clearer when people are in their own surroundings. This also brings the added bonus of an audio recording as well. Though many are asking for in-person sessions, I am not doing those currently, but am happy to do zoom sessions, and the feedback I have gotten has been incredible.

I've found many people over the past several months are interested in weekly guidance, so I have started offering my

online Spiritual Mentoring sessions for individuals in sets of 5 weekly or bi-weekly sessions at a discounted rate, because so many people are opening up to and developing their own gifts more rapidly than previously. This was something I did previously with my students, but have been asked to open the courses up to anyone who is in need of that guidance.

I have also started doing Live Insight Evenings on Zoom to help people during these difficult challenges Humanity is facing and what templates we are dealing with. I have included the audio from our previous session here so you can listen and see what it is about.

Book and Tarot Deck

The Tarot Deck is on hold at the moment, but still in the process. I had to get back to writing my book and set that aside temporarily. There has been a huge upswing in spirit activity and spiritual gifts because the world is in need, and ready for our assistance. We are all capable of offering that assistance to others but often don't know where to begin. This is what led me to join the Hay House Writer’s community and get back to my book. My book is part memoir, part Universal Knowledge and a lesson plan to follow, to discover and nurture your own unique abilities. Much of my focus is here and with helping those developing their gifts or looking for answers and often closure. Do reach out if you feel I can be of assistance.


Audio from our first Live Insight Evening on Zoom

Live session 5 April Insight Evening Audio recording:


Live Insight Evenings -Thursday 21 April / tonight on Zoom at 7pm NZ

(12am US (Pacific) / 5pm AU (Sydney) / 8am UK London)

We will be discussing events and challenges we all may be facing, as well as developing Spiritual and psychic gifts, do some energy work together with the LoTuRa Group. They/we will also be answering any questions or read anything they feel needs addressing. This event is free, but we will begin a membership next month. So check it out if you are available and want a spiritual tune up.

EMAIL OR MESSAGE ME FOR THE LINK THROUGH FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM OR HERE PRIOR TO 6:30 TONIGHT TO JOIN. Apologies for the short notice, I just realised I had not sent this out.


I have addressed this in detail in the above audio.


I have addressed this in detail in the above audio.


Poem for contemplation – Our Souls Cry Out

This poem that I wrote on 23 March 1999 is about that feeling of hopelessness so many people are feeling right now. I remember feeling that way several times during my life and have chosen to ride through it whenever it comes, and know that my own faith is enough to sustain me and walk me through any storm that may arise. Mankind is in a huge storm right now, Earth changes, War, Greed, Pollution and Broken systems all need addressing and we have put it off for far too long. We must loo at things to understand them, think of solutions, then offer not only answers to life’s challenges but also hope to those who are drowning in despair. Please take a few moments and feel into this poem to that energy of despair and send your loving heartfelt energy to anyone who it rings to your mind. We all have someone who will pop in to our minds. Feel free to leave a comment on my blog, in the next live, or send me a message directly. I would love to hear of your experience.

Our Souls Cry Out

So much hatred, anger, pain and fear,

it’s in almost everything you see and hear.

Our hearts filled with sadness, our souls cry out.

Our minds and bodies filled with doom, stress and doubt.

How can any of us turn our back on a hungry child,

or profit off of everything that’s growing in the wild?

It isn’t about necessity or survival anymore,

it’s about who has more possessions, or makes a better score.

We’re labeled by race, status, sex, age or name,

even though, deep inside we are all the same.

Nobody wants to own up, for what they say or do,

causing pain and anger, and blaming me, or you.

We seem to be destroying everything we see,

not a thought of how wonderful we all can be.

If none of us are looking, how can we find,

the strength in peace and love, to save Humankind?

My admiration and respect to all of you who try,

my heart goes out to all of you who are made to cry.

My kindness, generosity and faith will never leave,

my hope is someday soon, we won’t make each other grieve.

Written 23 March 1999

From the Book:

Intuitive Reflections: A Literary Journey

Copyright © 1999 Maria Lawless

To read more of my poetry go to my Poetry Archive Website:


Mother’s Day Giveaway

I am doing a promotion on my Facebook Page giving away a free session for Mother’s Day.

If you are interested in winning a free Psychic Reading session for yourself or your mother, please visit my Facebook page at and follow the instructions on the post. It will be pinned to the top of the page tomorrow 22 April.

(This giveaway is open to people out of the area as well to win a Psychic Reading Session via ZOOM.)

That's a wrap. Thank you for your time, I appreciate you. - M

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