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Beauty in all creatures

Q: Can people really see the beauty in all creatures; and why do some people get angry when you say this is possible?

A: Thanks Alison, yes being aware of the divinity in every living thing is something people come to know as they evolve.

I agree there is beauty everywhere if we choose to see.

As people awaken from the places of despair, often times, the need to point the finger arises as a coping mechanism.

When dealing with any spiritual awakening, or integration of people at various stages of their expansion process it comes to be a necessity to develop discernment and I believe many are tested through these stages.

Some of the most profound truths are buried in drama and darkness just awaiting our awareness of them.

It is a gradual process and if people are unable to step past the fear, they stop and stand in that creation, living in fear and separation.

If however, they push past the fear, they step into oneness and all of the hidden mechanisms become visible. We then see the divinity in all of creation, it truly is amazing.

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