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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

Book Excerpt -A Spiritual Journey

This is something I wrote yesterday. I thought it may help some of you who struggle with your gifts, to understand a bit better why we 'see' the things we do.

[Some days are harder than others. Especially when you didn’t get much sleep because of the visions, and the expectation that follows that knowing. The last few nights have been really hard, seeing houses sliding into the ocean, landslides and flooding and people running and screaming. Last night though it was a high school, and seeing the books, shoes and backpacks sliding through the halls, was too much. I don’t think it was this hard before I had children, as it didn’t impact me in the same way.

I try and find something to do when these visions come, they are often just to prepare me and my students for possibilities that lie ahead of humanity as we evolve. Sadly, grief, and compassion is the greatest teacher for many, for those with loss, and those who observe and empathize. We still have so far to go before we reach a level of maturity necessary to move through this phase in Earth’s history. These large events allow evolution to move forward on a large scale in a short period.

I told the group earlier this year that 2022 will be remembered as the year of transition as many will be leaving, many alone, and many in mass. Contracts are completing and those with challenges too great to move past their trauma or face it; will recycle. They will come back after a review and upgrade to a new body template which aligns with the new Earth template. This is something they will have great peace over in their spirit, and something they will chose for themselves, and their loved ones on a soul level.

Having the gift of sight is truly a blessing, but some days, it is difficult to witness Humanity as we do. We have both the comfort of the grace of the Father, and the empathy of the great Mother to guide us. There is no doubt that many other seers will also have Complex PTSD from the things we witness; not only in our lives, but in being able to witness centuries of human evolution and destruction, both on personal and Universal levels.

Most of us have seen human darkness, and betrayal on levels that many could not handle, as humility is a forerunner to psychic ability and we must be broken open, in order to be pure channels. We must truly understand that we are in service, and in that service there can be no expectation, no agenda, and no personal investment in outcomes. We must maintain neutrality in order to keep from interfering with the information and only report what we see, when we are told to share.

It took me a long time to get where I am now and it is a road I both am amazed I have traveled, and grateful that the newer generations won’t have to. Their connection will be clear and the light of source will flow freely from them.]

– © Maria Lawless 29 Sept 2022 Excerpt from A Spiritual Journey

My upcoming book is about spiritual development and contains my musings, things to ponder, simple everyday choices we can make to stay in alignment, answers to the big questions and some case studies from my clients. I am really enjoying putting it together, and need to also thank my Minions, for always asking such great questions and sharing so openly!

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