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Clair Senses or Sensory Processing Disorder

I have seen nature beings since birth and been given messages for myself and others all throughout life. I also am very in tune with Nature, the Devic and Angelic Kingdoms, and the Spirit World.

I see them as just another vibration of existence, and due to Clair* abilities some of us can see, hear, smell, taste, touch or know that vibration; where these beings and this wealth of information lies.

I think of it as reading energy streams, or seeing potential timelines. This is what I am doing when I follow my client’s energy stream or potentials, I sense what information they are in need of, to gain a clearer perspective of their situation. Often this information comes from their personal nature spirits, ancestors or angels. It is transmitted to me via energy streams which I ‘pick up’ or ‘tune into’ through my Clair Senses.

This then gives them the ability to see more options, which they can then make their own choices, based upon a wider view of any given issue.

I feel it adds to our sensory issues; when we don’t know what we are sensing or if we don’t know what our abilities are. It is my belief, that those of us with Sensory Processing Disorders are just more finely attuned. We can tap into these subtle frequencies and thus typical sensory input can be overwhelming for us, only because we are sensing extrasensory things in addition to every day things.

It is all nature, energy and vibrational frequencies in my opinion, there is nothing scary or woo woo about it. People fear what they don’t understand or have no first hand knowledge of.

I also believe that energy healing is only resonance, we vibrate at a certain level and when a person comes seeking healing, they only need to be reminded of their own optimum vibration, and then they do all the work. Sort of like a tuning fork, we resonate a higher frequency or quicker vibratory rate.

The session only opens them up to their connection to their own nature spirits who help them maintain that higher vibratory rate, or stay connected to their divine source of energy.

This is all part of one of the books I am currently writing, linking my Spirituality and Autism. I truly see it as a gift, and as with all gifts, they come at a cost.

If not living like everyone else is the price, it is well worth it to me. 😉

*Definition of Clair Senses – A collective word which includes any type of extrasensory or psychic sensitivity corresponding to the senses: seeing/clairvoyance, hearing/clairaudience, feeling/ clairsentience, smelling/clairscent, tasting/clairgustance, touching/clairtangency. Also empathy and channeling (verbal and or written) are part of the Clair Senses.

sulamith wulfing_nature spirits_the new year

Sulamith Wülfing – Nature Spirits – The New Year

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