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Damn Those Stairs!


So, in November I managed to fall down the stairs, smack my head on the wooden guard rail, and give myself a sweet concussion. It all hapened so fast. I had passed out on my way down and woke up when my head hit the wood, I thought I cracked my skull but it appears to be ok overall. I have spent a long time trying to come right again and so many physical things are happening that I know it is an upgrade and adjustment which is behind it all.

Usually, when something this large happens there was a set time for it and it was for a reason for it. In my case I needed to slow down and enjoy being in the moment. I also needed to reconnect with my daughter and realise what was happening in her world. She was sliding backwards in all the progress we had made to the point of self harm. I did all the necessary paperwork and when granted an exemption, I pulled her from school. We have been homeschooling for a couple months now, and we both love it.

My fall was a good one, I ended up having post concussive syndrome after the initial diagnosis and even now I am still seeing effects from the head injury. Some days I lose my sight, my hearing or my speech or words come out jumbled and completely out of context.

Other days I experience what I can only describe as pure bliss and euphoria, but again this is not helpful in getting things done when you have three children and a wonderful hubby that are worrying about you.

This constant unpredictability, has really limited my capacity to know how I will be from one day to the next and so I have pulled back completely from my group, committee and volunteer duties and am focusing on being with my family.

Some of the positives have been obviously more time with my family, lots of laughter at what comes out of my mouth, I sound like a broken wind up toy some days. I have more patience some days, and others I have none, but I can cope with it better without all of the outside stimuli. I don’t go out much, but I never really did due to sensory issues.

Also I have seen a shift with my energy work (especially pain relief, and past life visions) and clairsentience which all have increased dramatically since the fall. I am mostly doing readings from home, and distance energy work and this approach has been so fulfilling.

This along with moving house, family visits, vacations and kids school changes, writing, etc. and all the other things I was doing explains why my blog has not been kept up to date.

I will be transferring data from my Facebook in a backlog to catch everything up here. 2014 is pretty much a blur, so it will be fun for me to read about my life for the past year as well.


Hugs ~ M

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