This week's card pull from my deck collection, is the Divine Feather Messenger Deck by Alison DeNicola, illustrated and painted by David Sheirer. Published in 2019 by U.S. games Systems.
Feel free to choose a card or two below, and I'll post the reveal and card meanings on Thursday, so be sure to check back and scroll to the bottom. Leave a comment below with your choice(s) so I know you are here and can say Hi! Feedback is also a great way to work your intuition and learn to trust it.
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Card 1: Zebra Jasper
Card 2: Stromatolite
Card 3: Yellow Jasper
Card 4: Howlite
This one is precious to me, as it was of my Christmas Presents this year. It is from my dear friend Denita, owner of The Woo-Woo Shop and in my humble opinion; a Tarot Goddess!
I saw this deck when I did Denita's latest workshop which was afreakingmazing. I decided not to get it as it was close to Christmas and well, you get it. Anyhoo, she remembered how much I loved it, and we had been talking about how I had been getting feather messages since seeing it -so she gifted it to me for my Christmas present! I am so blessed and grateful for this heartfelt gift and such a loving Soul Sister.
Thank you D.
The artwork is by far my favourite feature of this deck. I have always had a feather collection, Cas (our youngest) and I have been collecting them since they were a wee thing. We even ask zoo keepers when we visit, and often get really cool ones!
There are 44 cards and they each have a feather on the back and a message with the full bird on the front. There are 4 Divine Healer cards which offer focused healing or meditation along with the other 40 Divine Messengers. They are water colour, which I also love and they are so well done. The detail is mind boggling.
The 77 page guide book is in black and white and has no card image, just the information. The messages are pretty great as well, and there is some extra affinities for the feathers that really make this deck stand out. Each card not only has a bit about the Bird and their Message, but also the Energies, Season, Element, Colour and an Affirmation.
This is a great addition to your collection, and again it is a great study resource, and worth having on your shelves.
The card and crystal meanings will be posted on Thursday. Be sure to check back in.
If you would like to help my card or crystal collection expand, feel free to leave a one time donation of support, or a small monthly donation of membership through this link.
I am also in the process of making my first Tarot Deck with local artist, David Keen; The Lawless & Keen Tarot Project will be coming soon!! Pre-Sale is available below- just click on the deck.
#creatrixheartandsoul #nzlife #whanganui #tuesdaycardpull #weeklycardpull #cardpull #cardcollector #cardreader #tarotcardcreator #tarotart #tarotdeckcreator #tarot #tarotreviews #tarotcollection #oracle #oraclecollection #divinefeathermessenger #angels #crystalgems #crystalcollection #zebrajasper #stromatolite #yellowjasper #howlite #asd #autismacceptance #sensorybliss #specialinterest #whatpsychicsdotorelax #whatauthorsdoforwritersblock #asd #essentialtremor #brainhealth #depolarization
I have no knowledge of birds and feathers, however, I’m being drawn to the feather in Card 3, so yellow jasper it is for me this week. Thanks Maria! ❤️🌹⚡️