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Emotional Manipulation and Victimhood

I have noticed a theme this morning that is running through my Facebook feed.  It is not something new but today is the time to step up and say enough; for yourself and for everyone else too.

The theme is Emotional Manipulation and Victimhood.

We have gone through a very long period of making other people, responsible for our happiness. We expect others to behave in a certain way, and to do or say certain things to help us feel better.

We have been conditioned to do this as this was the theme running throughout the matrix. We are led to believe that happiness comes from outside of ourselves, and this is false. I think this could possibly the greatest illusion of all time.

We must be happy within ourselves, to even appreciate all of the beauty outside of us. If we are unhappy with who we are, we will remain unhappy with everything. If we only see negative things in ourselves, we will only see negative things in the world around us. If we ONLY see fear, anger and pain around us, then we need to examine why we chose to focus on ONLY these things.

There is so much beauty in the world, so many good, honest and loving people, yet so many choose to not see those things or people at all. Stop focusing on all that is wrong with the world and shift your focus on what is good and right.

Stop following the news if makes you feel bad or angry. Stop following friends whose posts make you feel bad or angry. Stop hanging out with ‘friends’ that make you feel bad or angry. Stop allowing people to comment on your posts, who make you feel bad or angry. Stop creating situations that make others feel bad, guilty, regretful or angry and take control over your energy. Start showing compassion, love and kindness and create situations where others feel, gratitude, joy and love and those situations will also become more abundant in your life.

Can people also stop using spiritual quotes as weapons against people they are mad at, hurt by or angry with? Don’t use these to try and make others feel guilt, shame, anger or regret. This is NOT spirituality; it is pseudo-spirituality and manipulation at its worst. You are using something uplifting and beautiful, for something degrading and ugly. Please just stop it, those truly on the path see right through this type of behaviour and it is very disappointing.

Take the time to really talk to your partners, parents, siblings and kids, don’t shame them through social media. That only makes YOU look bad and deepens the divide between you.  If you need something from someone, just ask them directly, don’t make hints or play on people’s emotions or use public shaming to get your way or garner sympathy.

If you are unable to process your own emotions, how do you expect others to interpret them?  You have to learn to do it… for you. We need to stop the epidemic of passive-aggressive behaviour that has been modelled for us for a generation.

We are evolving as humans and you better get with the program or you will stay behind in 3D mentality with people who do the same thing and you will remain unhappy. Take your life back let all the bullshit and illusions fall away and create your life the way you want it to be. The change starts with you.

You are being challenged to be the best version of YOU… don’t worry about everyone else, that is their journey and frankly none of your business. Unless, of course, you are helping directly with pure compassion and selflessness in order to assist them, to help themselves.

Let go of the old energy devices, and start using your higher mind to free yourself of their hold; both of using them, as well as, being manipulated by them. Only you know which applies to you and how to change it. Observe, yourself and others and do not engage in the illusion.


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