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For those of us processing loss, or those soon to be.

There is a greater tapestry woven which includes things we cannot understand, for it is outside of our current scope – or perception of reality.

It often is something which goes beyond what we would do, what we could ever have imagined, or what we have experienced ourselves -or through those around us.

Our place of understanding, comes through compassion for those left behind as well as those who have left us.

Through compassion, and forgiveness we begin to shine light on the parts of us which hold us in our own illusions of separation, and thus judgement of things as either good or bad.

We tend to view things through linear, immediate, visible perceptions, and often times, we cannot see what lies beneath.

We cannot see what torment another was suffering, nor the lessons which they agreed to provide, prior to coming here.

Lessons for the self as well as others, based upon the loving energy of home: thought, manifestation, action, reaction (lesson).

This cycle repeats, over and over until we find that space of compassion, forgiveness and understanding – which leads to the realization of our oneness.

You all have an awesome capacity for giving people strength in times of need, I hope you find that part of you… for yourself as well.

We cannot always see the backdrop, script, nor the players involved -and we are not meant to.

Upon the realization that we are all one – the feeling or perception of loss changes – for there can be no loss – only a reformation of energy.

Once we understand our connection to all, then it becomes clear… then we no longer have a limited perspective but clear vision or clairvoyance. (Clairvoyance is not ‘supernatural’ on the contrary; it is completely natural – we need but remember to use it.)

Lots of Love Big Hugs. ~ Lotura

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