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Garden - Poetry of a Mystic

Each person has a story to tell,

every one, whose path we cross.

All have been touched by sorrow and pain.

All have felt grief and loss.

Each of us, have lost someone we love

to betrayal, rejection or greed.

Be it by death or growing apart,

Inside us, each loss plants a seed.

Seeds we then tend in our own way.

Depending upon our pain;

it can grow in the brilliance of our light,

or we can drown it, in sorrow’s rain.

We can choose a garden in full bloom

filled with lessons from our life;

tending it daily, pulling the weeds

that sneak in from daily strife.

To leave it unattended each day,

the weeds will take over it all;

leaving no room for blossoms,

just countless weeds forming a wall.

© 2004 Maria Lawless

Poetry of a Mystic

Written 19 January 2004

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