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Getting Reacquainted with Myself, through my Writing

It has been an amazing journey sifting through all my old binders finding hidden gems here and there. I think the best part is that I am able to find a poem I started, or a couple stanzas I jotted down in a fleeting moment, which still contain the original thought package. By this I mean; I can place myself back into that space where I started the writing, and the words flow again, sometimes it is immediate and sometimes it takes a moment of being still and closing out the chatter around me.

Some of the writing is profound in a way that captures me off guard, and answers questions I, or those around me have been struggling with. I really feel honored to be able to receive this inspiration and formulate it into words.

My binders are a jumbled mess of dreams, past lives, astral travel, insights, transmissions and poetry. It takes a bit to sort which is why I have not posted in a few days, I was trying to organize enough to separate the ones I need for the books into categories, past life, transmissions and insights, and poetry.

Some of the items astound me, for example, through astral travel, in 2006, I visited a man who would be my future partner. The assignment was to visit the future potentials, and take notes, which I did. I was shocked when looking at this, as it is a map of my current house, only slightly off, and my current dog, and husband. Awesome! Talk about feeling like you are where you belong, this was a great surprise.

There are other items as well, little bits and pieces of Sophia’s journey, letters I have written to her withing the pages of my journal, and other memories, I had forgotten.

It feels really good to reconnect with those parts of myself, as well as let go of the parts which are no longer me. It makes me appreciate how far I have come, while at the same time reminding me that no matter how bleak it may appear in the moment… we truly have no idea of the amazing treasures just over the other side of our pain.

Once we let go and allow the divine plan to unfold without trying to control it, we are gifted with finding our joy. Looking forward is not easy when we feel like we are drowning in our inner turmoil, but it must be done if we hope to come out the other side, we must know in our hearts that there is a new life awaiting our attention. Faith is what leads us to find our true selves, through acceptance that we cannot control everything that happens, only the way in which we react.

I still wrestle with this; as do most people, but it is much quicker that I remember to let go. I remember to just allow the creative source to provide me opportunities, and then to be aware enough to grasp them when they appear.

A little secret is this: The Universe will provide, but usually only at the very last second, so being in the mode of receiving insight while allowing the flow – without expectations of how it should be – that is faith. It is not being idle, rather it is being in the now, and being aware while here. Sometimes we are so focused on one event – waiting for it to happen the way we think it should – that we overlook something which is a necessary step in attaining the very thing we are asking for!

Example, I met my husband through family and friends asking me to go to a BBQ, which I said no to. Well they were not taking no for an answer and they came and made me go. Brent also had declined the invitation, but through pressure from his friends went anyway – and there is the magic, both of us were not wanting to listen, but our friends knew at some level, it must happen – and they were right. Had we not gone we would have likely been given another opportunity, but we may not have listened, or we may have -this we will never know.

The Universe provides, we just need to be prepared, in knowing that we do not need to know ‘how’ and we are not meant to. We are given signs and nudges all the time, but our expectations, or misaligned patterning blocks the understanding of how things work. Our helpmates and angels are sometimes co-workers, friends or family, you just never know. Try to remain in the receptive mindset, and know without a doubt, that your prayers do get answered, for you create the situations that draw in exactly what you need, through intent by asking – and then allowing.

Big hugs and Blessings, and remember the poetry blog is updated as I find these treasures so pop over and check them out here and there, you never know what answers you may find there. 😉

Until next time – M

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