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Heal Yourself Reading Cards

My apologies for the delay this week. guys. I injured my shoulder on Sunday, and am just now able to type it all up. This week's card pull and deck review from my deck collection, is Heal Yourself Reading Cards by Inna Segal with artwork by Chris Ortega / Drazenka Kimple Published in 2017 through Rockpool Publishing.

Feel free to choose a card (or couple of cards) below. Come back on Thursday and scroll to the bottom for card and crystal meanings.

Leave a comment below with your card choice(s) so I know you are here and can say Hi! Feedback is also a great way to work your intuition and learn to trust it.

Also, you now gain loyalty points for engagement when you leave comments, or interact with the posts, which can be used toward discounts on readings and other cool stuff!!

Card 1: Pyrite Serpentine

Card 2: Variscite

Card 3: Dumortierite

I ordered this one back in 2019 from Book Depository after a friend brought it over for a Coffee and Cards catch up. I fell in love with it instantly.

The deck is an Oracle deck. It has 36 cards (standard size) with a stunning image, number and name on the card fronts. The backs are all the same and quite pretty as you see above. The colours are deep and rich and feel like that aunt that you adore and look up to, who will tell you what you need to hear -but may not want to!

The book has 85 pages including a table of contents, introduction, how to use the cards with a couple spreads, the card meanings, about the author and the artists. Each card has a full colour image and one page of meaning -which includes, a short message, a deeper meaning and an action to help move through it.

The box is a magnetic fold box and it is also beautiful as are most Rockpool decks.

This deck is definitely one that will kick you up the backside when you need it, so great for shadow work and facing your own mechanisms and patterns.

The images remind me of graphic novels, video games or even book covers. They are very emotive, detailed and have a great use of light and shadow. It is not very diverse, but there are a few international characters. This is another deck that you could use for ritual work, daily or weekly inspiration or for meditation.

This is a great shadow work deck to add to your collection.



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*Disclosure: I only recommend products I have, or would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain reputable affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. This is a reputable deck and book seller. Please don't buy from any source that sells counterfeit decks. help to honour the hard work of the artists and creators -only buy from local bookshops, reputable sellers, the creator or the publisher directly.”


I have been adding items to my shop, not only made by myself but also some items I am carrying of others whose work I love; beautiful crystal Necklaces by Jess McDonnell, Ritual sprays and perfumes by Sacred Blue Lily and Sculpted artwork by Jenna of Celebration & Co.

Have a look through there if you are interested to see what we have up. so far The shop will change regularly as I add new items that I love or have created.

If you are keen to sell your items, hit me up about my Creator's Commission program.


The Lawless & Keen Tarot Project is now available on my Shop page. Fuck Yes!!

I have finished my first Tarot Deck with local artist, and friend; David Keen. This is a true labour of love! An art project; all hand made, from the first pen sketch by David to my scan, digital design, research, printing, sorting, cutting, trimming, writing the booklet, creating some spreads, art prompts, sticker kits and boxing.
We even did a test run through in October 2022. Those images are in the Group here, and on my Facebook page. Below is a glimpse into our process. Please be patient when ordering as I do it all myself by hand. We tried to keep it affordable as possible. It takes about 5 hours to make each deck and costs us $60 in materials. Hence, the cost is more than a manufactured deck would be. Thank you for your support, you have all been so amazing.

Click here to purchase this bad boy!

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1 comentário

11 de ago. de 2023

Thank You Maria and I hope you feel better soon 🙏.😘

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