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Hora Tipuranga – Natural Therapies Pilot

Hora Tipuranga – Natural therapies pilot – staff only for 3 months.

5-week status update:

EVALS: Excellent 58, Very good 12, 1 good, 2 incomplete -great review just forgot to tick the box, 4 incomplete -forgot to fill one out, but booked in again. Of these 77 evals; 76 ticked the box to say they would use the service again (the one had ticked excellent) Of these 77 evals; 76 ticked the box to say they would refer the service to others (the one had ticked excellent)

Killed before it reached the patients or the community got wind of its success.

So once again, the opinions of a few (3-5) fearful old energy people in a position of ‘authority’ have taken away a program with results like this and great potential for all.

Mind you, this was with NO internal or external advertising, as they also held the staff notification up with red tape for the first 3 weeks of the trial. We have a solid system in place, IT COST the district NO money, (we volunteers did everything ourselves) made quite a few people very happy, relaxed and in touch with their center… and we are being shut down. Why, because one of our group, publicly stated he is a wizard at a local event. (During a talk about spirituality at a separate event – not on hospital grounds.)

So it is apparently OK to state your religious affiliation if you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. and there are no repercussions but say any nature based (non) religion and you are “doing the devil’s work.” (Besides, it may affect their wallet/status/control?)

I love my Wizard, Witch, Jewish, Pagan, Goddess, Priestess, Shaman, Catholic, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Jedi family and friends, etc. (It would take all day to list you all, you know I love you all equally.) I also love myself and for the record, I have no religion, I just am what I am. An individualised conscious representation of Source, experiencing myself through expanding and contracting, ebb and flow, dark and light, and most of all love unconditional.

You see, in my world, ALL are deserving of compassion and the right to live their lives as they wish while causing no harm. I gladly stand by them and back them because they are my family and a piece of me. I also tell them when they may need to rethink their actions because unconditional love does not stand by watching others act against their own best interest or that of their fellow man. Anything based in fear comes from a separatist point of view, and love comes from unity consciousness. Unity consciousness creates healing, separation creates dis-ease.

Our results speak for themselves, and anyone who takes the time to meet us, or learn basic human nature, would know that people who do what we do; true healing… comes from a place of compassion and love… where there is no religion. I am sure there is a way to explain this to them, but I am not sure I need nor want to. How long will fear dictate to humanity who to trust – even when ignoring our own feelings and tangible results within our own bodies?

How do we expect to change the world when we let people like this hold us back in our own communities, and most times say nothing. Ironically, we are so quick to point out social injustices yet we stand idly by and allow those we know, associate with, or pay money to, to act with such disregard for us and those we claim to love.

Why do we allow people with no integrity in positions of authority? Or buy into the illusion that they have that authority. This baffles me. They don’t, Natural Therapies have always been available here and will continue to be. Drive around town, or ask a friend, they are everywhere, all over the world, and locally, most of us have worked together or refer to each other.

So they fought the natural therapies initiative from the start, (based upon absolute lack of knowledge) and now they back down to a few (3) religious zealots… (zealot [ˈzɛlət]. n. an immoderate, fanatical, or extremely zealous adherent to a cause, esp a religious one.) … and take away the natural healing pilot from the (40) staff who used it each week, and the patients who may have benefited in the future.


Thank you, truly, as it only makes us work that much harder to provide a way for others to awaken to their own passion for living and heal their own bodies. I honour your ignorance for it fuels my passion. Most of us have our own businesses and will continue our work. I for one will still be doing what I do, regardless of your lack of acceptance. In fact, I will be doing more volunteer work… open to the community, and I am sure my Healing friends would love to join me.

I AM another YOU, and honour your path whatever it may be,

In Love ~

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