I have been asked a few times to share my insights on the state of the world at the moment. So I just wanted to take a few minutes to offer some words of encouragement for those who may be struggling at this time.
I know the world right now looks scary from what is being presented to the majority and yes, there are real people suffering, and for them, I ask that we pray and send our loving thoughts.
Please understand that there will always be darkness in this world as this is a planet of learning, and we learn through contrast. There is so much beauty, kindness and joy in the world, but our attention and focus are being tunnelled into a narrative that keeps you feeling powerless and in fear.
What we are living through at this time, is a collective Dark Night of The Soul, a test of faith. This is where we must decide on which side of the fence we will stand; there is no more sitting on the fence. I am not talking about the 'issues' or 'debates' those are human creations, I am speaking of the spiritual fence, which side do you choose?
Do you choose to see a world divided from fear, or one united by love? Will you add to the chaos, or create solutions? Now is the time – we must walk the walk, be the change, or start over. Each soul must choose for themselves; it is not our place to impose our will upon others. Nor is it our place to judge them, nor lay blame.
This is not about becoming self-righteous, fearful, judgemental or violent, on the contrary; we better serve the collective, and ourselves, by trying to maintain a state of kindness, compassion, understanding and love for all – especially those we disagree with.
It is time to repair our relationships, stop the blame game, accept each other’s choices, and reignite our faith in humanity, in our families, in our neighbours, and especially in those who trigger anger or indignation in us. When we see others as 'them' and breed division, we ourselves feed the narrative.
In short, we must become the people we want our world to contain. We must remember Freedom comes in many shapes and sizes, and in order to have any at all – we must accept that every person has their own free will.
We do not have the right to tell others what that looks like. This is not our place; that belongs to them and is between them and their version of God. Nobody escapes the Universal Laws, and all will be responsible to clear any pain they cause – intentionally or not. Remember the old saying; ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions?’ There is a reason people say this.
We must remember that we alone, are responsible for pain WE cause; it is never another person’s fault if we choose to react with violence, anger, condemnation or hatred. Only you are responsible for your reactions to any given situation presented to you for testing.
Nor do you; hold the karmic debt for other people’s reactions to you. The light is within all of us, we just have varying degrees of distortion that block that light. By all means, send prayers, wish them clarity, but do not add to the distortion by sending more negativity at it.
This is all about the evolution of Humanity to a new template, one which so many are already carrying within them; especially the youth. They are handling the world events with more grace and understanding than many adults are.
This is the end of another great cycle of expansion, and to expand, there is always a contraction. As anyone who has ever given birth will attest; the hardest part, where you want to just give up, and feel that you can't go on is just before the final push. We are here now. Don't give up on Humanity, just yet.
The test; when all seems lost, can you keep the faith and carry the light within you? Can you reignite your own inner light, and help others see that they too have that light within?
I have never believed that the ‘second coming of Christ’ would a man returning to save us all. I have always known it as the return of the Christed Heart within every person. I am not speaking of Rome’s interpretation of the male Christ. Nor yours, or any other person, place, culture or belief system. I am speaking of the man I know within my heart, and have communicated with; who showed us by example how to live a life with their Christed Heart ignited through love.
This man; who even in their darkest hour -while being persecuted and tortured, and knew he would die, still thought of the souls of others. “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” Let this also be your reaction to all of the distortions you perceive, witness or encounter.
Feel free to pray for Humanity along with me, it adds to the power of the prayer, intention, invocation, spell; whatever from that takes for you. It matters not whom you pray to or what name you have been taught -or have chosen for Source; it all adds to the energy of enlightenment and evolution.
Your interpretation and perception of the world helps create the world you witness. Focus on the beauty, the love and the joy and attempt to create those things for others.
We cannot change some things in this world, only redefine them. So we are left to find a way to counter them with positivity, compassion and kindness. Let’s create more of that, and find gratitude for all of the things and people, who carry these higher frequencies and through resonance, we create more of that.
Lastly, I will share my own version of prayer.
Divine Father, Divine Mother, Ancestors and Allies,
Please bring Peace to the fearful, Aide to the suffering,
Guidance to the lost, Healing to the sick,
Courage to those who have the power to make a difference,
and Protection for those whose free will is being imposed upon.
We ask for Compassion and Love to dwell within us, and in all others.
We pray for all to find Clarity and Remember the path back to your Grace.
Through the Light of our Higher Hearts, may we return.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Please feel free to “Amen, “This we pray,” “It is so,” “So mote it be” “And so it is,” “so it shall be,” “This is the way,” or your own prayers in the comments below.
Please remember, this is my view, not a debate, and is about celebrating our differences, and combining our strengths, not creating division.
I chose my side of the fence, many years ago and even though I can see your light, and love you, I also will not take any shit. It is my responsibility to maintain the energy of my page, of my surroundings and no one else’s.
It is time to witness others, honour their sovereignty, distance ourselves if need be, but not from self-righteousness or anger, but compassion and kindness. Send your light to those who can make a difference and all of those who will help to rebuild this world after June.
Thank you for your time. I will be doing a live event soon and will send the link the any who wish to participate. The poem below, I wrote in 2009 and it is still relevant today.
Through Experience we Expand or Contract.
Through Expansion we Connect with others.
Through Contraction we Disconnect from others.
Through Connecting with others we see Unity.
Through Disconnection we see Separation.
Through Unity we feel Love,
Through Separation we feel Fear.
Through Love we create Peace.
Through Fear we create War.
Through Peace we experience Heaven on Earth.
Through War we experience Hell on Earth.
It is only your perspective of the world that creates your Experience.
I personally choose…
Expansion, Connection, Unity,
Love, Peace and Heaven on Earth.
Explore your perspectives.
What Experience do you choose?
©Maria Lotura Lawless 2009