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JOURNAL: April 17, 2010 7:44pm

JOURNAL: April 17, 2010 7:44pm

No house, no car, no steady income, no employer, no credit, no partner to call my own, yet we have shelter, transportation, provisions, support and an abundance of love… just me, and my 3-year-old and we have no complaints.

We have opportunities and we have faith in a magical Universe and know our place in it; it is our home. We know God’s love and we know Mother Earth’s love; both are boundless.

We feel Angels and see Beings who support us and guide our lives. We are healthy, happy and best of all we are free.

Others may not understand, yet they see our light and they feel our love, and share in our joy. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We are abundant and joyful. We have peace.

Love, kindness, healing and compassion I give freely without expectation of reward for this is my gift. I am a vessel for change, for faith and for healing.

In love ~ I AM

© 2008-2016 Maria Lotura Lawless

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