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Judgment – Nov. 19, 2010 4:44am

Judgment – Nov. 19, 2010 4:44am

So many people right now are on the verge of awakening to their true potential, but there are shadows yet to face. While running away from them, they appear much larger and darker than they really are. Believe me I know this, I have been there, and it is not as ugly as it seems once you turn and face it.

I have been noticing a lot lately that people are living in fear, not only of the world around them but in so many different forms. The most prevalent issue many are facing seems to be a fear of judgment.

This in turn, expands into methods of control and manipulation of situations which, in the long run, only feeds more fear. No one judges you, but you; based upon your allowance of behaviors which go against your true nature.

You are ultimately responsible for the choices you make, for the life you live and for the energies you produce while living your chosen existence. If you find yourself defending against this statement, you will then have to look at why it offends you.

We all have gotten so into our heads that we have a hard time listening to our hearts. Mental illness has become a fashion and everyone is wearing designer prescription labels to fit in, or keep suited for the environment. Well, we are not meant to fit into someone else’s environment, we are meant to co-create it, it is what we were put here to do… create.

Ironically, the same people you fear will judge you, are the very ones who put this conditioning into you in the first place.  If you are making choices based on fear, especially the fear of the opinions of others, then you will continue to judge yourself in a negative light.

This self loathing will lead you to repeated and intensifying cycles of sadness and feeling disconnection from your source until you see the patterns and remove yourself from them. It is only your allowance of another person to state your worth, that makes you feel unworthy of love.

Feeling unworthy of love, you will block or deflect any love sent your way, as it feels foreign to you and therefore threatens to move you out of the state you have existed in. Only, by fearing the unknown you assume everything is all the same negativity as what you have known… but it isn’t.

Once you are able to free yourself and look around you at people who are happy and filled with love and joy and be happy for them instead of angry. You will laugh at how long you allowed this illusion to taint your vision of the world around you.

Finding your center is a process, but all it takes is the intent to reclaim your identity as a creator, as another of the Awakened Ones. We all are given the opportunity of grace, we just need to see it when it presents itself… and it does daily, in many faces, and many words.

You are never alone and never are you disconnected from your true source, you are only given the freedom to create your chosen reality or the perception of it.

Today, this very instant, choose to reclaim your identity and live your life for you. Only you can make that choice. Simply remove your value of others opinions and see how much your life improves.

If you are living in a state of love, where every action, word, thought and idea revolves around unity and oneness, then your false beliefs will show themselves in order to be cleansed.

There are those of us who see your beauty and your light and know your true essence. Try and know your essence too, it is love and joy in creation.

In Love ~

© 2008-2016 Maria Lotura Lawless


From my heart to yours; unconditional love, always Dear Friends.

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