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Animal Messengers: The Little Gopher

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

We took a trip to the park today. Two blackbirds flew just overhead as we arrived and we greeted them as usual. We played on the equipment a while, and Cas met a few friends, then we decided to sit on the bench and enjoy our apples. While sitting there, I looked just behind the bench and there; clearing his hole of dirt, was the most beautiful Gopher I have ever seen.

I showed him to Cas and we shared our apple bits, throwing them to him and around him so he could gather more later if he or the birds decided they wanted them.

Two children came to see as well, each with their families in tow and we had some great laughs. All three kids had the same eyes, which is fascinating to me as Cas has eyes which change color. Mostly blue, gray and green like mine, but around the pupil is gold. They just came over and started talking to me, as kids do because they know I ‘see’ them.

We all enjoyed meeting and watching this little gopher clean his space, and I reflected upon how often people walked right by never seeing nor appreciating this beautiful creature. It was a very profound moment for me in what it represented to me in regards to coming out of my hiding to allow others to see me as well. So many meanings I found in this little friend who gifted me with such insights.

It was such a pleasure to see children enjoying this little life with their loved ones. It was just like when I was young, he just came out and stood there cocking his little head so that his eyes met mine and I just listened and talked to him. Narrating for Cas what he was sending. It was a very cool experience for all of us.

Before we were about to leave I asked him for a gift and he brought out a tree root and set it atop of the mound he had made. I thanked him and took it when we left; he had pushed dirt up against the opening so I knew he was finished.

When I got home I looked at our gift as I lay it in the special abalone shell; in which we collect such cool things. This place that he had peeled back the bark, there sticking out boldly in the fold, was a gopher whisker. He had given us a piece of himself and I am so grateful. I will go back and take him some seeds, but for now, I am enjoying his gift.

Life is beautiful.

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