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Love always, your step-daughter

I awoke last night with the knowledge that something was not right. I sat on the edge of my bed listening, as the world shifted and aligned with the new reality that had been set in motion.

Something had transpired, but I was not yet privy to the information. I knew that when daylight came, life would be different somehow.

As I sat there, I felt the slow transition of timelines; a new reality emerging slowly from the ether and forming a solid foundation upon my path.

I felt my Ancestors with me, but they were not sad; they were celebrating, so I knew it was going to be alright.

This morning, I got the news that you had passed.

Although I weep with grief, my mind and heart are kept in grace, with the knowledge that the Ancestors share with me.

They celebrate your life and your legacy; just as we, left behind, shall do for you here.

As I write this, looking out across this beautiful landscape before me, a Fantail swoops and dances around outside my window. He too, can hear the music of the Spheres as they celebrate your homecoming.

I am deeply grateful that you were my second Mom. You loved us all as your own.

You never gave up on us, even when we tried to push you away; both as broken children, and as young adults.

I am so grateful for all the conversations over the years, especially this past couple years, and the bond we had built and strengthened over time.

You will be deeply missed Mom, but never, ever forgotten.

Thank you for loving my father and helping him become the best version of himself.

Thank you for my amazing brothers that you brought to be a part of our family.

I am thankful to you for so much; your kindness, honesty, advice, support, acceptance, your wicked sense of humour, fits of laughter, tears of joy, hugs, your nurturing, and most of all, thank you for your unconditional love.

Until we meet again, you will remain forever in my heart.

Rest now, sweet mother.

Love always, your step-daughter.

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