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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

Mother Eagle’s Sight

I have been shown the faces behind the games of energy which have been taking place recently. I grow bored with the same mindless game ever looping and creating illusions of separation. The time for bantering and pushing back against illusions has ceased and I will no longer engage them.

I give thanks for this clear vision and am also grateful for the lessons which all my resistance has brought to my awareness, for they needed to be purged. My energy is not being lent to such tasks for I have bigger things which need my attention than to entertain the whims of others who do not wish to work on themselves.

I am cleansing my fields of all association with those who do not wish to move forward. Others who enjoy this type of ego game will no doubt take up the position, which you have created; as you desperately need an opponent to exist.

I, however, am not interested in wasting my time trying to prove myself or defend myself, my Family nor those I have begun to work with against an onslaught of dark forces which is purposeful and childish.

This primitive behaviour is a perfect example to my students, and I thank you again for the example. This type of energy needs resistance to exist; it needs anger to feed off of, it needs sadness and torment. I will not allow the space I have created to help others heal, to be manipulated by those who wish to employ means such as this.

Create your own Space and see how many true ‘Energy workers’ try and interfere with it, none will, for we believe in everyone being free to choose their own path, without manipulation. We don’t troll for darkness in order to destroy it, we shine our light on it and like moths to a flame attract those wishing to experience their own light. We don’t manipulate people into doing our bidding.

The irony here is that those same people who would preach that religion, society, governments and schools are dogmatic are only doing so in fear. They fear that without an enemy, they will not exist, and this is a profound truth for they need so desperately to blame someone for their pain. This pain they feel is what they are putting out before them and it will be all they know.

I on the other hand, have seen the beauty of Creation and know that inside of every so-called ‘dark energy worker’ is a spark of Divinity that they can never extinguish; and no matter how far away from that light they run, it will always welcome them home in love, just as it is with me and my Group. This light is welcome to join ours and grow, but we will no longer tolerate the assault of its members.

My Group will be moving energy in our bodies and to those asking for our help, assisting the Earth through our own healing processes, encouraging new growth and minimal destruction, without causing interference with others. If this is not your goal, please refrain from standing in our way.

One awakened soul is far more powerful than legions of darkness you may send our way, for they are illusions. Everything you send at us is returned to you three-fold, as that is your creation and your energy – not the person or organisation which sends you to do their bidding.

I respect your choices, please respect mine. This is all that will be said on this matter. My friend list will decrease and this is appropriate as I no longer will be entertaining illusions on any level. If I have not removed you, it is out of mutual respect, for I see your light, find value in polarity, and know we are still One.

~ Thank you, Mother Eagle, for your sight and the reminder of how vast Creation is.

In Love ~ Maria Lotura

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