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Mystical Musings - 10 Jan 2023

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

The Cards / Crystals / Decks used and my Poem for this week are below the video.

Feel free to scroll down and choose a few cards before the video if you like!

Click to watch the video on YouTube:


My plans for future with regard to my work / creative projects / The Website / Subscription and free website membership details / What I actually do, and some other musings.


Eye of the Storm

What use to take life times,

now takes only days.

Exploring our Aspects

in many new ways.

Not lingering long,

as the next role is near.

One day we give hope,

the next we feel fear.

We lean of compassion,

of war and of peace.

Our learning is constant,

for our Souls never cease.

While here on this Earth,

in this human form,

we ride out the waves

of an emotional storm.

Some days we rage wildly,

yet in the stillness we cry.

The true art my dear friends,

is to stay in the eye.

©Maria Lotura Lawless

(Written 17 March 2010 )

~ CARD PULL ~ Insight for the week ahead.

Card Reveal is in video - it starts at 21:21 (I do hope that you will watch the whole video as there is some important info there.)

Decks used this week:

Messenger Oracle 2021 2nd edition (first 2012)

Seeker Oracle 2021

both by Ravynne Phelan through Blue Angel Publishing

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Jan 25, 2023

Sounds like you have an adventurous year ahead with what you are doing :) very exciting!

Jan 27, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, I have a feeling it will be a great year for many.

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