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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

Mystical Musings - 3 Jan 2023

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

I recorded a video this morning. After some meditation and a card pull, it felt like the way forward for me. This will be a regular thing, the card pulls will be included with the musings about whatever wants to come through, the card pulls will be for the week ahead as well as the issues we currently are facing.

There may be poetry, there may be crochet or other creative bursts, but, there will always be words of encouragement, and words that need to be spoken. I have a Discord server where we can discuss these things, and you are welcome to join me there for chats, advice, or to ask questions.

The Card Decks used, the Poem I wrote this week are below the video.

Click to watch the video on YouTube:

The Poem

A Star

Who are you to tell me,

that I know not who I am?

You are blinded to my truth,

as I’ve known since time began.

My Soul is not in peril,

for I’m not the one deceived.

The path I’ve chosen this time,

is yet to be perceived.

Asking for equality,

you’ve fought for many years.

En masse we’ve come to help you,

to push back all your fears.

The Great Mother sent us here

to soften all your hearts.

To change this world together,

at home is where it starts.

My Soul is but a Spark;

a burst of the Divine,

a star filled mass of energy,

not held by space or time.

It remembers all our lifetimes;

each one a different form.

So we will choose this time around,

which one shall be adorned.

We embrace you fully,

and love you as you are.

We ask the same in return,

for we are but a Star.

©2023 Maria Lotura Lawless

The Card Decks I used:

The Chrysalis Tarot

Earth Magic

The Lantern Oracle

This week's card pull blog post:

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