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Nourish Your Soul event

I must apologise. I know it has been far too long since I have done a blog post here.

I have just been so busy with family, medical appointments for myself and kids, homeschool and readings that I have been neglecting my blogs.

I will be catching up as I am making time for myself to write.

I recently did an event called Nourish Your Soul, where I sold my wares, did readings and a talk on Past Lives, Cellular Memory and Activating Healing. (I will be doing a post with some information from the talk.)


My stall at Nourish Your Soul Day

It was a lovely day with some truly gifted people with many modalities such as Psychic readings, Iridology, Reiki, Colour Therapy, Aroma Touch Therapy, Reflexology, and heaps of others.

People were in such elevated states of consciousness and the atmosphere was ripe with hope and love and joy. It was a beautiful experience.

I hardly had a voice left by the end, as I has been sick a few days before, and had done 20 readings prior to my talk which was the last of the day.

The best part is, we raised $700.00 from the gold coin entry, for the Women’s Network a place very dear to my heart that helps empower women in our community.

It was great for me to be speaking again as it has been so long since I was teaching. Some of my students, friends and clients were there and it was a good group.

I want to do more now so may be starting up my classes again including group regressions.

I have had heaps of new clients and it has been really great connecting with old and new alike on a deeper level through past life work.

My Akashic work has increased tenfold and it is my primary focus now which I do along with healings through my Healer’s Group.

There has been so many cellular memories popping up for myself and others; both from this life and others. I am definitely doing work on myself with regard to triggers and karmic release.

I am also really enjoying Dr Brian Weiss meditations from his book Mirrors of Time and have reread the book several times. It seems to have multiple layers of information.

I highly recommend everyone interested in Past Lives read this as well as all of his work. He is extremely knowledgeable as the front runner of Past Life regression.

I have a client coming so better go and get the space ready, but I will be writing again soon about some of the insights and past life memories that I have been having; including those from visions, during the dream state and regressions.

Blessings and Big Hugs.

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