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Olympic Games – Food for thought

Olympic Games – Food for thought:

Let us take a look at the bigger picture, as far as supporting one Athlete or Country.

How many child laborers, enslaved women and girls, men who can’t pay their mortgage or feed their kids, elderly suffering in the streets, dying or sick people/animal/plant life due to nuclear reactor accidents/oil spills/chemtrails/gm crops/deforestation/mining, children dying of starvation or being bombed or eradicated, teens committing suicide due to pharmaceutical effects, bullying or peer pressure, etc., etc… could we be supporting – by NOT watching the games.

The Olympic Games is just another clever way to ‘feed the lions’ for entertainment, to distract people from looking at their contribution to the state of the world. The media perpetuates this agenda through their scripted lines and ‘selective’ news stories.

A simple way to breed animosity and aggression between peoples and nations.

It is always a personal choice, but this is just a gentle reminder that if we are to change the world; it will not be through rioting, protesting, or voicing our opposition occasionally – it will be through disengagement from the faulty systems and thought patterns.

Through living our personal lives daily, in every moment through the eyes of unity, not separation – nor hierarchical division, our voices will not be needed in this way – as our energy does not feed the emotion which fuels hatred and separation.

I honour everyone in their beliefs, yet I do like to point out what most people have never thought of, in the hopes that we all begin to expand our awareness.

Big Hugs and love


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