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On the precipice of evolving as a species

I just wanted to share that I feel that Humanity is remembering how to be human again.

There is a wave of compassion sweeping through the hearts of all of us.

Major changes are happening (from personally to worldwide events), these changes are peaking now and will continue to increase; but just like the birthing process; we must go through the pain and contractions which bring forth new life.

Please don’t allow yourself to be discouraged by events in the media, instead notice the outcry of compassion and call for justice which follow those events.

Allow yourself to feel your emotions, but don’t be defined by them.

When people come together and begin to see past their anger and judgement over an event, and instead look toward the future, and how we can do better, we can find peace again.

When we share compassion and understanding for all those involved in any tragedy, we begin to not only see; we actually feel that we are interconnected to every living thing.

Every living being is created with a spark of life including our beloved planet- and none were created to be for sale, for profit or sport, for conquest nor for ownership.

We are all ‘given’ life through our parents, and theirs before them – we don’t take it, we don’t steal it or buy it, it is a gift and we are all equal in the eyes of our creator.

It is up to each of us to do our best to remain in a state of grace by not only recognising that spark of divinity in every living being; but in ourselves as well.

Many of us can not see the overall plan, but there is always a plan, always a bigger picture.

I feel we are on the precipice of evolving as a species, and not separate from – but as a part of the collective of this beautiful planet.

In Love ~ Lotura

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