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Our children learned a great lesson from your carelessness

I am grateful to you, young driver of the loud car racing up our street Friday evening. You, who threw the Tui bottle at the pedestrians out in front of our home as you were speeding through our neighborhood at 10pm.

We feel lucky to have been the recipient of the bottle through our rear window, sparing possible serious injury to said pedestrians. I am also grateful that the said pedestrians shed their 40 cans of beer as they removed themselves quickly from the council’s patch of grass out in front of our property.

You have shown me how blessed I am to have such an amazing husband who understands that our perspectives are what guide our happiness. In case you were concerned, don’t be, we have it all sorted.

My lovely husband had swept the glass from our car and the street, placed the trash in our bin, recycled the boxes and cans, taped plastic and cardboard over the shattered window to protect our 3 children from falling glass, contacted our insurance company and the glass shop… and all before dropping me at work at 9am Saturday morning. He then went to the glass shop and ordered a new window, and got a loan car from his work until Thursday when our car will be finished.

Our children learned a great lesson from your carelessness, as they watched us calmly discuss it, see the humor in it and do what needed to be done rather than waste time on anger, or bitterness.

Again, I feel so inspired by my amazing husband, who maintained his composure the whole time and showed our children through example how to be a good member of the community.

I am guessing you spent the day with not even a thought of the effects of your actions last night. It likely began with hugging the toilet, arguing with your partner or parents, running to McDonald’s and then back to the bottle store. All in preparation for another evening of drowning your pain and reverting it to blame and anger, so you can act out and feel justified… all the while maintaining the illusion that you are just having fun.

We are aware that we are placed where we are needed in life and we are thankful for this opportunity to see all of the support we have to be able to carry on with our schedules, and still be able to get the kids to their schools and get to work.

All things happens for a reason. I hope you have an awesome day, and I hope that one day soon you find that love inside that you think is missing and so desperately seek… it is there, I promise. Inside of you, not out there somewhere.

Cheers, Mrs. Lawless

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