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Poem: Students

This is a poem that I wrote in July 2009. It was inspired by a falling out I had with a Spiritual Teacher who was trying to tell me there was only one path… hers.

I had been involved in exploring many religions and spiritual paths for many, many years prior to working with her and I was not going to change my own view and discredit or discount all other spiritual texts just to match hers. I don’t believe this way at all.

This was a real eye opener for me as she attacked me personally and professionally for having my own beliefs.

Any time a spiritual teacher claims to know what path is the ‘only one to God’, they are misguided and have lost their way. Especially if that path is by belittling, badmouthing, trying to attack another path.

All paths lead home, it is an individual choice in how (or if) you practice your spirituality. However, if there is hate, judgment or fear involved, it is not of God, but of man. Love is what guides my spirituality, never hate.

I walked away and never looked back and that was what was correct for me on my journey.


I have learned to follow my truth

and this has set me free.

Learning through experience,

who I am meant to be.

I need not defend myself,

for I have seen the light.

On my path I only do,

what I know to be right.

My character speaks for itself,

as I have come to know.

No matter how you mask it,

your intent will always show.

It’s not about notoriety,

nor seeking Earthly fame.

My goal is to help people grow,

not play an Ego game.

I don’t claim to be a “Master”

because I know deep in my Soul;

we are ALL but students here,

each honoured for our role.

Written 17 July 2009

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