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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

Purging, Transmutation and Integration

These are very difficult times, and many of us that are Lightworkers, Energy workers, Empaths, Sensitives or Clairsentients, are really feeling the pressure of the changes we are going through. These are similar to flu symptoms, except even after you get the flu, you may still have them for weeks, sometimes months. You are not alone. This is the process of purging old energies, the transmutation into your true essence and integration of the new energies.

Some of what we may be experiencing are headache/migraine, nausea, skin eruptions or itchiness, diarrhoea, periods of loss of appetite or extreme hunger, extreme thirst or no thirst, insomnia, deep thoughts, processing and insights, time fluctuations, timeline merges, emotional upheaval, muscles tenderness or charlie horses, lethargy, vertigo/dizziness, tinnitus/ringing in your ears, avoidance or ‘hermiting’, withdrawal, depression, anxiety, etc.

We can basically feel like shit, or like we are losing our shit or both! You are experiencing what it feels like to move from one energetic realm into another. It is a birthing process and it can be painful. You are not alone, and we are here to help each other. We are at the end of an energetic cycle, and we are purging what no longer serves us. This is not only the ‘old shit’ in bodies, but it can also be anything in our lives and that no longer serves or represents the real us; old habits, unhealthy relationships, addictions, vices, items/clutter, toxic people, places, clothing, diets, routines, etc.

It is ok to pull back and allow yourself time to go through this process. Rest, sleep, cry, and listen to your body when it calls for care. Read, write, take a long bath, relax in whatever way feels good to you. Get away from it all and camp, or walk in nature, reconnect with your own version of you.  If you don’t allow yourself time to go through this process, your body will make you, through illness or sometimes, even accidents.

Ponder your past, review your own life story. Ask yourself some hard questions, such as; Who are you? What is important to you? What are your values? What do you hold dear? What brings you joy? What is your passion? Who uplifts you? Who drags you down? Do you allow people in your life, who don’t value you? What are your shadows?

You must become aware that YOU are responsible for the energy you project, regardless of any situation, so choose wisely, for your energy affects everyone else. Own your shit. It is about taking back your power as a Creator and using that to create the world you want to live in, by being your best version of yourself. YOUR version, not anyone else’s. Let go of all falsehood, no matter where it came from.

We are in the midst of a massive shift. Obviously, the planet is also experiencing this pressure so we will also see more upheaval with earth changes and increased seismic and barometric pressure. We will see this happening all around us, all over the world. Try not to fall into fear, but rather, send energy when you see incidents that need it. People, animals and plant life will continue leaving, sometimes en masse. Send to them as well for they are moving into a new energy, celebrate them and their sacrifice.

Remember energy cannot cease to exist, it only changes form. We will see many lifeforms leaving, but as many will return in a new form, with the new energy imprinted upon them. This allows the Earth to go through the process incrementally without a catastrophic cleansing, as has happened in the past. This is something totally new in the realm of evolution and we are witnessing it! If we can keep this in our minds, we will not be fearful but rather stand in awe as Mother Nature births us a new home.

These new energy beings started trickling in about 80 years ago, and have increased with each year. Many of us (yes you too) are these beings as well as the parents of some remarkable energetic beings. Do you think the rise in sensory issues, anxiety, depression and ‘disorders’ are a fluke in nature?  Not at all, we are new energies beings reacting to an old energy world that is not ready for us.

We came here to change the way humanity lives on this planet. We challenge the old energies, worn-out programmes, biases, hatred, bigotry, false ideals, moral corruption and we demand change with our very existence. Our energy speaks for us, we don’t even need language. We carry the new genetic imprinting in our energy bodies, and we activate everyone we come into contact with. We are igniting that spark in others.

Because this is the end of a cycle, this is not only old energies from this lifetime/timeline but also others. We are facing and purging many old energetic beliefs that are false or unwarranted in some way. We will continue this process through the end of this year as it must happen in order to transmigrate into the new. This is an era of great changes and we are witnesses to a leap in evolution.

We will no longer tolerate lower energetic impulses impeding the growth of entities which have come to help improve the quality of life for all beings upon this planet. Their reign over this reality has ceased, they will be returned to their own realms and will no longer be allowed to interfere. This planet will not be left to ruin, there is help all around us in many forms. We are not alone and forgotten, far from it, we are celebrated for our bravery and our sacrifices. Earth is the planet of expansion through lessons and cycles, and this learning cycle is at an end. Celebrate this, for it has been a long and difficult journey.

We have help, we are not alone. We have guides and assistance in many forms; Angelic, Devic, Interdimensional, Ancestral, and yes, even Interstellar.  When we stop being afraid of them and realise they are all part of creation, all creations of God/Goddess, we no longer push away their assistance. We must ask for help for them to reach us. They can not, nor do they want to, take over anyone, they only offer advice and clarity. They offer their own experience; having previously witnessed or gone through the process we are in now. This is not the first end of an energetic cycle, nor will it be the last.

Please, do pray for/send energy to anyone else you feel is experiencing this period in a rough way. Also, be mindful, as your partners and children will also be experiencing these things but may react with any of the above as well as sleepiness, anger or withdrawal. Allow yourself and others space for the process. Celebrate this closure and this purging, we signed up to be here through this process and help with the energetic shift. No one said it would be easy. In fact, we knew it wouldn’t be and we signed up anyway. Not all of us made it through, some went home early and that was appropriate for them.

We are birthing a new cycle; one of integrity, truth, equality, community, compassion, creativity, joy, abundance and hope. The old energies may fight, and push back, but they cannot sustain that for long and will be transmuted as well. We are birthing a new reality. We are attuning to new frequencies and holding more energy in our bodies, which mean we also can manifest more quickly. Watch your thoughts and see the future we all long for in your mind’s eye. We can attain this for it has already been created, we just need to become aware of its existence.

When we communicate through the energy we carry, we can no longer be controlled for we know the truth and we see through the illusions. The old energies lose power over us because we know, truly know with all of our being that we carry it inside of us.

They can no longer create division if we refuse to see separation. They can not create hatred if we refuse to see anything other than love. They can not make us condemn others if we refuse to judge. They can not create bigotry if we only see unity.  They can not hold us back if we are moving forward with momentum.

There can be no more psychological manipulation if we refuse to buy into the narratives they are trying to sell us. Hold fast, stay strong, keep the vision, do not fall into fear, we have got this. We really have.

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