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Writer's pictureMaria Lotura Lawless

Q & A: Negative Memories

Q.: “Hey Maria. Just a quick question I thought you’d know the answer to.. When I think back on memories, most of them are negative/traumatic things that have happened in my life and I was wondering if it’s because I’m to learn from mistakes and what not? Is it the same for everyone? Do they remember more negative than positive because we learn from it? It’s just a little depressing thinking back and mostly remembering the bad times.” ~ Anonymous [used with permission]

A.: We are in a phase of learning as a whole, humanity is learning of our darkness or negative behaviors. Because of this, we are all having things from our past come to the surface to heal. The reason for this is that we are being bathed in the higher vibratory frequencies which were our original blueprint for life in lesson here, and this is pushing all unjust, untrue, unloving, judgmental karmic patterning to the surface so that we can individually and collectively purge this outdated and unnecessary energy. So each of us is going through a major emotional cleanse and it feels very unnatural as we are use to overlooking negativity as a means of coping. Allow yourself to feel it, allow yourself to be angry, sad, to grieve the outdated aspect of yourself who is being freed to return to the source, leaving behind the pure essence of you. Celebrate this time, knowing that is the turning point for us all. Also remember this is happening to everyone else too, so we need to be patient, and responsible for our reactions or over-reactions to others. Take responsibility and apologize immediately if you lash out, for saying “I am sorry for my reaction” or “That was not your fault what I was feeling” allows us to be in control again of what we create for our lives… especially within our own Families. ~ In Love

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