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Shaken Awake

I was awoken out of a deep slumber last night. It happened just before 11:30pm and I sat straight up like someone lifted me. I couldn’t quite grasp what was happening, I felt a panic inside, like someone was being attacked; possibly stabbed but I couldn’t quite grasp the strand enough, as it was not a solid stream.

Then it felt like ‘someone’ (likely Loren, my spirit quide) shook me awake and the tremors started. I was overcome by an overwhelming sense of dread and confusion. Through it though, I felt my angels and guides were shielding me from what I couldn’t grasp, as if I was not meant to see. I also felt my ancestors pulling in which usually means a family member is involved or I am glimpsing past life trauma.

I texted Brent, as when these episodes happen, I can’t quite yell out, so I keep my phone near me and he came up and helped me ‘pull myself in’ enough to get up to go to the bathroom. Sometimes moving around helps ground me. Just his presence is so calming and reassuring, I love that about him.

As often happens, the more I moved, the harder the trembling, which makes it very difficult to walk or control my speech or movements. I am sure I looked quite comical as my head was bobbing up and down like a bobbly head doll. Even still, Brent didn’t mock me or laugh at me, he stood there and compassionately gave me quiet strength and support. Ladies, they do exist, gentlemen, my wonderful earth angel is proof. I am so very blessed.

After checking on Soph, I went back to bed and my Wookie patiently fell asleep amongst my shaking the bed with waves of trembling; from weak and steady to jerking and severe. Just holding my leg (one of my many odd quirks, which he humours with a smile.) and allowing the process. It lasted about an hour, but I was able to fall back asleep.

I am use to the tremors, as I have had them for so many years, and they always let me know of an impending quake. The intensity and duration depened on where on the planet a quake will happen. There use to be a 3 day window, but I am finding it fluctuates between immediate, to hours, to a couple days now. My connection to Chili, Indonesia, and Japan are just as strong as those for the United States, New Zealand and Australia. It is very strong with California, and I am guessing this could be because I was born there, or because I have family there.

This time felt like more than a ‘quake shake’. I am not looking forward to the news. I really hope it was just a quake and no-one was hurt, but only time will tell.

Time to relax my muscles and do a bit of writing.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time, big hugs. ~ M

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