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Sorrow's Gift

Sorrow came and visited,

so I sat with her a while

feeling each of my losses in turn

as I tried to reconcile.

I strode the path behind me

appearing without end,

returning to each moment

as I tried to comprehend.

Her previous pleas for me to listen

so often buried and bound,

as I drank the next elixir

that could stifle her true sound.

She visits me more often now

and I welcome her return

for I realise she brings a gift

far beyond earthy concerns.

No longer questioning why she calls,

I know I’ve been truly blessed;

for she only comes to sit with those

whose love has pierced their depths.

© 2024 Maria Lotura Lawless

Written 20 August 2024

All rights reserved. Author asserts her Moral Rights.

From the Collection

Intuitive Reflections: A Literary Journey

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