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The Canary Effect

This is not what we were taught in American Schools. The history of our Ancestors, is being revealed; all of it, not just the version written by the opressors.

My heart aches as I see the reality of my visions manifest, that until today had not been vaidated. I now know the truth. If you want to know, watch the movie

It is about 1 hour long (it is very graphic) yet we must look at these things in order to make a difference.

I now know where my poem ‘Erased Our Names‘ came from.

It was recited to me in my sleep, until I got up and wrote it down on the 13 October 2013… NZ time, a day ahead of US, which would have been 12 October or Columbus Day.

I am honoured to give a voice to the Ancestors.

Erased Our Names

They said the war was over,

but it had only just begun.

The history has been concealed,

but some know what’s been done.

You thought that you had killed me,

yet I am still right here.

I will not rest,  nor go away,

as I no longer live in fear.

The things that you have done

to us, will never fade away.

Your kind, always has false hope,

that they won’t have to pay.

I assure you; your time will come

and judgment is at hand.

You destroyed our bodies, erased our  names,

and then you stole our land.

Enjoy yourselves in your dark space,

where you think that you can hide,

for when the time arrives for you;

we’ll be waiting… on the other side.

Written 13 October 2013

From the Book:

Intuitive Reflections: A Literary JourneyCopyright © 1992-2016 Maria LawlessAll rights reserved. Author asserts her Moral Rights.Print:  ISBN: 978-0-473-28010-9 / ISBN: 0473280108Electronic: ISBN: 978-0-473-28011-6
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