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New Poem: The Hidden Treasure

Updated: Feb 18, 2023

The Hidden Treasure

The tears flowed as I freely sobbed

I didn’t wipe them away this time

I sat with my pain and let them come

Knowing there was a gift presenting itself

A hidden treasure for me to discover

Today I felt terror; primal and raw

Bubbling up from the dark spaces

Where secrets and memories reside

Those we don’t recall, nor wish to

I looked into that place defiantly

I didn’t turn away, or distract myself

Not this time; I wanted to understand

I asked for clarity and welcomed the pain

Purging stored emotions I had unearthed

All that was unsafe to feel, greeted me

I lost my breath, then found it again slowly

I remembered my tools and opened the case

Trying each one in succession with hope

That it would calm the raging storm

That threatened to pull me under

I let go of the grief, the sorrow, and fears

Finding my footing, I clung to life

Letting the dead and dying pass through

Releasing my hold on them, or theirs on me

This time the darkness has brought me peace.

©Maria Lotura Lawless 13 Feb 2023

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