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The myriad of pain/death cycles

So many good people die unexpectedly.

We have just had to break the news to the boys about someone they loved dearly passing unexpectedly. So many people are -and will continue feeling such a loss of a beloved soul.

Death is a natural transition, but it is still very painful for those left behind, especially the children.

Our Max cried himself to sleep, with daddy’s arms around him and Dev quietly wanted to be alone (pondering how precious his sword is -and the memories it holds.)

I had my cuddles, and spoke with them prior, then came on here to distract myself and let sweet hubby process his emotions as well as his mortality.

Brent is a good man and a great Father and held high regard for the connection, bond and friendship the boys had built -and held onto with Paul, their mother’s ex-boyfirend.

We all respected him and he always greeted us all with a smile, a kind word and made time for a conversation. He was a friend long after they split.

I log on Facebook and see a couple (unrelated) posts which seemed to almost try to validate or make a prior excuse for suicide. In all honestly, it made me angry at first. It brought up all kinds of hidden issues I must still carry due to my silly belief in how precious all life is.

Then I realized, that it is not my place to judge, only to offer hope and provide options and alternate views.

It made really contemplate on how simultaneously within this space and time, tragedy (transition) is taking its toll.

I am aware it all leads to rebirth, and that we are in the final throws of humanity’s labour, birthing an evolution – something truly beautiful; humans in touch with the innate knowledge that ALL life is sacred and interconnected.

Examples of the myriad of pain/death cycles -of which none is less real than the others to the observer, or the experiencer.

We have one man’s life that is so unexpectedly taken by natural causes, a man who loved life and so wanted to watch his children grow up. Many are mourning.

At the same time, one of my best friends is fighting for his life in the hospital from a freak accident. He has so many praying for him and sending healing and just waiting for signs of improvement -all still carrying hope.

Elsewhere, many people; men, women and children (and animals) are being killed through war, disease, hunger, greed and selfishness. Many are mourning and still many have hope.

Then even still, there are others whose pain is so great and so unbearable, that they are on the verge of an act which can not be undone… and it made me just want to just send you a message.

The pain doesn’t end with death, it only becomes more clear that ALL life is sacred. ALL love is eternal – not momentary, fleeting, nor a previous thing and is not contained within one body, but many, in many places.

Escaping your pain through suicide, only leaves a tidal wave of pain which YOU have inflicted upon those left behind. To fill many others with that very pain that you yourself are trying to avoid, only creates a new kind of pain. One you will have to come back and re-experience next time… repeatedly until you see the preciousness of your life.

Through giving love and kindness from your heart to others who are lost, confused, scared, etc.; you will help ease their heart’s burden and through this selfless act, it helps to slowly heal that kind of pain you carry; which consumes your every waking moment.

Through giving freely of your heart, you can relieve the suffering of others, alternatively by shutting your heart down or taking your life; you will create untold amounts of suffering for others (including your own Soul.)

If you are considering this, please have the courage to open your heart and get some help. Don’t give up your hope, I won’t give up on you.

Sadly people cannot help, if the person does not truly want help.

Often there are many hand as reaching down to pull people up from the blackness, but because their view and balance is distorted they feel like those hands are pushing them away.

It is very painful to watch, yet each soul must walk and choose their own path and hopefully, they realize there is always someone willing to walk beside them… even if it is not the one person they think they need.

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