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Woohoo! I am finally getting my sites all connected, this feels very good and is actually quite liberating as I have figured it all out on my own.

I had a visitation last night, they woke me at 2:02am. They worked on me, starting with my ovaries which carry so much cellular memory and repressed pain. My cellular / DNA upgrade was quite enjoyable, imagine the feeling of millions of miniature butterflies flying into every cell and transforming them into something new and vibrant, alive with a new spark and new energy. They did each area in turn as usual, my bladder, womb, kidneys, liver, stomach, spine, brain, all my muscles and bones… aahhhh.

Then came the visions and plans, and the clearing of unecessary old ‘stuff’ and I awoke feeling amazing. A welcomed respite after several weeks of illness. I know that if I can’t get the Healer Collective, my students and the Angels to help me get better; it’s not going to happen and it is for a reason. This means it is an energy adjustment and I must ride it out, which I did.

It is my belief due to family, friends, students and others all going through similar illness, that this was a shift in order to lighten the load on our planet. Our planet is unwell, and the volcanic and seismic activity is increasing. The events due to this activity will not be as bad as it would have without eneryone assisting in the transmutation of energy.

In our bodies, in our planet, in our lives, transmutation; like a butterfly, a beautiful outcome after adversity, and it is good to know we are not alone in this, we all have helpers, individually and collectively.

Expect to find yourselves clearing away the old and finding a renewed hope, a desire to bring all of your life into balance and into interconnectedness with your authentic self. Shedding what no longer serves you; people, things, dreams, or careers that no longer fit who you are today.

Let it go, transmute and be your authentic self, unencumbered by drama and strife which is not yours, but you feel you must carry for others. You don’t need to fix others, they are on their own journey, even your previous version of your self, don’t try and fix it, let it go.

I have awoken with my blinders removed, the clouds lifted and feeling a new sense of peace. I have done so much today in the form of tying up loose ends, paperwork, organising and getting in touch with special people. Even homeschool was relatively easy with my little Kit.

I love having deep talks with my girl about reincarnation, the various versions of the bible, the much needed balance of power between women and men, spirits and angels and whatever her little mind decides to ask or teach me about.

She is back to who she was before school shocked her so much and shut her down. I am so grateul to be able to spend this time with her and I cherish every moment.

I walked into the temple today and just stood there enjoying all of the etherial hugs and welcoming the energies, it truly is a magical space.

This weekend I have some very special friends coming which will be lovely after tomorrow’s funeral services for Bertha; Brent’s nana. Such an amazing woman, she will be missed, but we know she is singing and dancing again with her one true love John. I am so happy they are reunited.

It will be wonderful seeing everyone again, but my girl time Sunday will be a sweet retreat.

My f key just popped off…. is someone trying to tell me something…?

In Love ~ M

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