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What is she up to now?!

Some of you don’t know much about me, but I have been kicking around Whanganui for a few years now. My first visit here was in 2001 to see my sister, and I absolutely fell in love with the place. My last visit here in 2010, is when I met my now-husband Brent and never left, nor do I want to.

I began teaching Spiritual Development classes in 2007-2009 when KC and I were at our old shop at Victoria court. We held them in my good friend Janet’s place’ Chatters Café, across from our Natural Wellness Centre. My friend Scott made our coffees, sold us treats and also helped with classes. I also taught Reiki and Truth-In-Healing; a course created by my Mentor and Psychic Teacher, Nancy Bradley in California. Such great memories, and dear friends were made.

I went back to the USA and continued the classes in Santa Cruz, California, and in Grants Pass, Oregon at Heartsong hosted by the lovely Jeannie and Jerry, and with the added blessing of being able to use the sacred space in the Goddess Temple by the gorgeous Vajra Ma. More heartfelt memories and dear friends made.

I returned to NZ and began teaching again in 2010 when my sister KC, (Naturopath, Reiki Master and Massage Therapist) and I opened another shop in Putiki, called Natural Healing Centre NZ (yes above the cake lady 😉)  with our friend Sonya Glennie. Again, lovely memories and new friends made.

After we closed the Putiki centre we worked from home rurally, I took some time to work as an Animal Intuitive and Healer for horses, dogs, cats, chickens and even the odd sheep and goat with my good friend Sonya, A TIH graduate as well as Bowen and EMRT therapist. KC and I both worked from home, as Spirit moved us across the road from each other as neighbours.

I have been doing Women’s Wisdom circles, Womb Blessings and Red Tents at home for several years. I moved them to Light and Life Centre before my accident. After I started to function well enough, I moved them to Women’s Network where I held them until last year.

I had a relapse, and increase in my Depolarization episodes, from doing too much, and have taken a few more months ‘off.’ I was still doing individual readings, Akashic Mining and Mentoring along with maintaining my Reiki classes and some Reiki Shares with my students, and fellow Reiki Master Tracy Dillon; also a Phoenix Sister. My ‘Me Time’ is often spent on Tracy’s Crystal Light Bed… pure bliss.

Over the past few years, my focus has been mainly on family, research, homeschooling my daughter, writing and then healing from head trauma. I fell down the stairs in an epic fashion in 2014 gaining my 10th major concussion. I am admittedly SUPER clumsy and hurt myself often, it has been an issue throughout my life. This time took over six years to repair itself, and work is continual and sporadic. Writing your Autobiography sucks when you lose access to most of your memory, but I am getting there slowly.

I also plan and facilitate a few large charity events each year, Operations Shoebox with my husband, and One Billion Rising with my husband, some friends and my Phoenix Sister Joleen Sharrock. I also created the Womancraft Market which we hold a few times a year for local women and girl Creatrixes; Artists, Crafters, and Tinkerers. All of those events are mostly done in October through February, with the exception of Womancraft Market, which is dependant upon participation.

My other ‘Me Time’ is provided by my other Phoenix Sister Denita, who holds Tea and Tarot meetings monthly as well as Tarot workshops and other fun magical things. My Tea and Tarot Sisters are also amazing ladies that I am blessed to call friends.

I do keep busy, as my mind works that way. I always tell people that I am not constrained by time like other mortals. I can compress and bend it to be able to do more while here in human form. So yes, I am busy, but… I am about to get busier.

I have just put together my Insight Evenings class schedule for 2020! There are three sets of six classes. I will be taking my students and current clients first, then, if any space is left, I will open it to the public. If there is enough interest I will do two groups.

The classes will be every other week. There will be a lesson prompt, and a Q & A first and likely a channelling session because I have learned over the years, that they often want to speak, so we will give them precedence. Being a channel, means I allow whatever is the most beneficial for those in attendance for that session. This is a huge lesson in itself about what being in service actually means. It comes through me, not from me.

Of course, I am also still available for individual Readings, Healings and Akashic Mining (Past Life work.) I will continue our Circles, honour the Feminine Divine, as well as my writing. I feel very blessed to be able to do all the things I am passionate about, and especially to begin teaching again.

Most of my work now is through Phoenix Collective NZ here in Whanganui; a shared Sacred Space with my Soul Sisters. We have some amazing things planned for our little magical space across from St John’s Club.

Be sure to visit my Business Page and our Phoenix Collective NZ Facebook page to keep up with all of our latest news as well as upcoming events and workshops. I hope you too, can find your wings and Soar!

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