As long as we are willing to passively allow atrocities to be inflicted upon others; our world has no hope of survival.
We are all part of a unified field of quantum energy -this has been proven by science, yet the average person does not know this. Why is this? Why do we continue to hold onto old paradigms which cease to produce proof of success, in fact they do just the opposite.
The illusion we have, of separateness; of being a ‘single being’ on this side of the world, and another as a ‘single being’ on the other side, we continue to turn a blind eye to the truth that we ourselves, are affected by what happens, “over there”. We have become detached from our emotions – our compassion, from our quantum connection.
Humanity needs to finally appreciate the evolution of our own kind. We need to allow the new science into mainstream thought. We need the outdated beliefs which have been dis-proven to be replaced by the new proven materials. The societal norm of reality is no longer valid. We are ONE, it is a fact, it is proven by science, and it is time this is shared with the rest of the world. No more, secrets, no more suppression, no more teaching our children -and thereby humanity, separation, and competition through our textbooks, and other systems of control.
We are ONE, it is a fact, it is proven by science, and it is time this is shared with the rest of the world. No more, secrets, no more suppression, no more teaching our children -and thereby humanity, separation, and competition through our textbooks, and other systems of control.
The place to begin is education, if we hope to secure a future for humanity; we need to allow the new thinking to replace the patriarchal schemes of the past. If this is takes place, we will begin to see change within one generation. Let’s make it happen in OUR lifetime.
Change has already occurred in the hearts and minds of millions, yet many leaders and those with a vested interest in the old paradigm, fight tooth and nail to suppress our evolution. They have just not allowed it; using fear, intimidation and lies, they try and suppress knowledge for profit. Those days are over.
We as Women and Men need to come together. As one, we must declare we have had enough, if we have any hope of survival as a species. The old paradigm has us destroying each other, destroying our planet, destroying our selves.
We; MEN AND WOMEN, create life, we nurture and we nourish, and we guide and we love unconditionally our own children. We sustain life, provide and guide and thrive when allowed to do so.
We as humans need to see ourselves as ONE family; caring not only about the welfare of our own household, family, community, and country… but for the whole of humanity. What happens “over there” affects you, in your life, regardless of whether you chose to believe it or not.
Don’t passively settle for what you have inherited, or just accept what you see as ’the way things are done’ especially when it goes against your values, demand equal rights for all, use your voice for OUR Family.
Standing as one, we feel vulnerable, alone, and fearful, but when standing unified with others for a just cause, demanding a just world, we are unstoppable. I know I would die for my children, as would many of you – in fact most would do the same for any child. So then, why are we too fearful to stand up for a child in Africa, Russia, or India… or even in our own neighborhoods?
If we stop ‘allowing’ things to go on as they are, stop ‘denying’ these horrible things are happening, because we may not be able to handle it – if we look at the issues head on – we can collectively turn our intent to taking the steps to improve the quality of life for ALL of us.
From changing laws, to ceasing passivity with regard to inhumane treatment… of all living beings – we would shift the social norm, and impact the accepted world view. We could change the current ‘oppression for profit’ mindset which is the root cause of ALL of the atrocities happening globally and truly be free to thrive, all of us.
How can we turn away from the screams of our own Human Family; our sisters, our mothers, daughters, grandmothers, aunts, nieces… away from the cries of our brothers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, uncles and nephews?
We are no different from them, their pain is OUR pain, their sorrow is OUR sorrow, and their Mourning is OUR mourning. I am OVER mourning! How about you? I am so… over it.
Big Hugs and Blessings,
In Love ~ M
[On 14 February 2013, there will be over 133,000 events in 182 countries where people are over it –people who will be Rising, Striking and Dancing to call for an end to violence against women, against children, against humanity.
Barely a word is in the media about this – even though it could very well be the largest collective global protest yet!
Please join me, for One Billion Rising Wanganui -join our Human family and be a part of One Billion Rising Worldwide. SPREAD THE WORD!!!]