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to submit your own testimonial, use the form on the Contact page.


If you have had a session with me, or taken a class or workshop I would love your feedback. Reviews will be added to the website using first name and city only. I do understand if you would like to keep your name  private; so if you wish, I can post anonymously or we can make up a name that you choose. Just let me know in your message.


Thank you so much for kind words and continued support!

Nikki - Tauranga - New Zealand

Maria shares her intuition with warmth, humour and sincerity... much appreciate your guidance Maria. Thank you X


Rose - Whanganui - New Zealand

Waoh what can I say, many words of kindness and very gifted. Everything Maria replied was so much 100% on point. Maria Thank you for clarification 🌹 The best I've ever had🫠

Jurate - Whanganui - New Zealand

Phenomenal experience! I had many readings in the past, but what Maria does is out of this world. No question is a problem, answers are "generated" immediately with immense clarity and valuable advice. She told me things that one cannot know unless they are connected deeply to the Source itself.
Thank you very very much! Couldn't commend you highly enough :)

Shayden - Whanganui - New Zealand

Amazing! Your work is amazing and you definitely make me feel better about myself and future.


Deni - Whanganui - New Zealand

She’s dope , defs goto her !! gives great insight and clarity

Arielle - West Palm Beach, FLA - USA 2021

I highly recommend a healing and general reading from Maria. She also offers past life regression processing, of which I will be booking shortly. Maria has become a blessing in my life over night. I assure you that any session booked with her will be well worth the experience.


Marcus - Blue Mountains - Australia

Maria is an exceptional psychic. I've had many readings over the years & found hers to be the most on point and transformative. She is both professional and caring, providing a safe space to open up. I also had the good fortune to take in one of her psychic workshops which are must do if you live in Wanganui.

Sharon - San Jose, CA - USA

Maria is amazing! One session and I feel encouraged and filled with renewed energy. Thank you for your gentle kindness💞


Ash - Raetehi, - New Zealand 2020

Maria is very welcoming and warm. Her workshop was very informative and she created a great space for learning.

Angel - Whanganui, - New Zealand 2020

Lovely lady Maria is calm and honest she gave me the peace I needed. Highly recommend her


Christine - Whanganui, - New Zealand 2020

Maria has amazing abilities. She helped me so much. Would definitely recommend her to anyone in search of guidance and healing. She also helped me recognize my strength and abilities. Thank you Maria.


Kathy - Whanganui, - New Zealand 2020

Maria made making my brochure a fun experience and the end result is professional and also fits me very well. Not to mention the beautiful space you get to spend time in while visiting her 😊

Kat - Sacramento, CA - USA 2020

I want to thank Maria Lawless for the amazing reading I received yesterday. She was not only incredibly accurate with the information she received but she was very good at relaying it to me. Very professional and I felt at ease and open so was able to listen with my whole being. She offered great advice for my work and love life that will help me a great deal to be true and authentic to myself and my loved ones. Thank you Maria!

Kane - Whanganui, - New Zealand 2020

Very skilled 😊 would recommend to anyone.

Christine - Whanganui, - New Zealand 2020

Lovely lady Maria is calm and honest she gave me the peace I needed. Highly recommend her


Jill - Whanganui, - New Zealand 2020

An amazing insightful [Clairsentient] Reiki session. Helped greatly and gave me some valuable insights. Would highly recommend. Thank you Maria.


Tanima - Tauranga, - New Zealand  2020

Fantastic reading. Confirmations & affirmations from my guides and Ancestors. Thank you so much. I am inspired & my energy renewed so I can continue my next journey to its conclusion.

Nidhi - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2020

Maria is phenomenal. She listened intently to all my inquisitions about spiritual traditions, rituals & creating healing experiences and is incredibly wise. I have so much appreciation for Maria & her guidance.

Murry - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2019

Maria is amazing, every time I go to see her whether its for a healing or a reading, I always walk out feeling so much better than I did when I walked in.
Her wisdom inspires me and puts me in a much better head space.
I highly recommend my lovely friend to anyone wanting reiki, readings, past life regression or intuitive guidance. thank you Maria xx

Nikki - Tauranga, - New Zealand 2019

Maria's warmth and friendly manner put me at ease as soon as we connected. Her insight and guidance was of much support at times when I truly needed it. I felt uplifted and positive of times ahead. A big hug of thanks Maria.

Ari - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2018

I had an incredible experience earlier this week, with a past life reading from Maria.

She creates a beautiful safe atmosphere for her clientele to enjoy their time with her. After the session we discussed each past life in detail and how this relates to this life time. Even days after the reading, things would click into place as I began to further recognized certain oddities that were explainable by what Maria had brought forward. I whole heartedly thank Maria for her gift and my time with her and will definitely be back to learn more.

I recommend this to anyone who has an interest in their own spirituality whether its discovering the past or learning more about the present, you would be in safe hands with Maria.

Jess - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2018

I have received many healings from Maria and each time I have walked away feeling not only free but enlightened. She inspired me to embark on my own reiki healing journey and has been an amazing reiki master and spiritual teacher. I feel very lucky to have meet Maria and highly recommend her.

Tracy - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2018

Maria has soooo much wisdom, all my experiences with Maria have been life changing in some way shape or form.... a truly wise woman who we are very privileged to have in our city.

Maiiki - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2018

Left feeling so much better. Maria is such a lovely knowledgeable soul, She was remarkable. I will be back again for sure. Thank you so much for your help.


Cassandra - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2018

In a time of crisis and heading for some serious life changes I went and visited Maria for a reading. This reading was extremely informative and enlightening, if gave me hope, direction and understanding when times seemed so tough.....and now I'm watching as all the different aspects of that reading fall into place. Best thing I ever did was to get a reading, so thank you from the bottom of my heart Maria you made tough times shine, you truly have an amazing gift.

Ashley J. - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2018

I have never walked away from something feeling so enlightened. When I was going through a hard time maria gave me the answers I was searching for and the tools I needed to carry on, amazing experience.

Marcus - Tharwa, ACT, - Australia 2009

I had the good fortune of getting to know Maria Lotura toward the end of 2008. 

For as long as I can remember I have had an interest in the meaning of life, spirituality and what is beyond the here and now. I have always adopted a rational and analytic mindset which over the years has softened into a more intuitive and feeling approach. In doing so I began to witness a showering of synchronicities. As my interest in spirituality grew I visited a few intuitives where I received some uncanny information. 

In meeting Maria, my exposure to the spiritual dimension of life has made a phenomenal leap. She spoke to me about how a person could travel outside their body and offered to help me experience this. I accepted the offer, but having never experienced anything like this before, could not imagine it actually occurring. 

Later than evening I awoke to the most remarkable vibrations pulsating through my body in waves. I had to pinch myself to be sure that I was indeed awake. I still do not understand it intellectually, but I know without doubt that it was real. Within a few weeks of this occurring I had other sensations and vibrations, which were completely different again. Maria explained to me that this was a chakra opening. A week or so later I had a constant twitch in my arm that would not go away. I asked Maria about it and she advised me that it was the opportunity to undertake automatic writing. I did so but could not interpret it. Maria was able to do so easily and it not only made sense to me it was like a light turning on. I had started to see a whole new world open up to me.

What made all these encounters all the more remarkable is that I had not physically met Maria at this point; I had only corresponded via email or had spoken to her on the phone. When I did have the pleasure of finally meeting her I did another automatic writing and this time it flowed right out of me. I still haven’t made sense of it all (although Maria helps me a lot with her wisdom and advice) but I have begun to discover another dimension to life that I was completely oblivious to before I met her. 

I have noticed that my spiritual development has accelerated and I am able to receive insights and make connections much easier since meeting Maria (particularly as she continues to provide me with flashes of insight and helps me make sense of it all). 

Above and beyond all the magic that Maria has brought into my life, what I appreciate most about her is the integrity and character she demonstrates. I study what Joseph Campbell labeled the Hero’s Journey. Sadly, most people who achieve power are not able to handle it and become anti-heroes. The same thing often plays out amongst people with spiritual gifts, particularly when they are strong such as in the case of Maria. 

Maria’s first and foremost interest is in the well being and development of others. She delights in helping others make breakthroughs and realizations that help transform their lives. She manages to not only traverse her journey in life, she also has the ability and generosity to help everyone she contacts progress along theirs, whether it’s in her role as a mum, friend, sister, daughter, healer or teacher.

It has been an honour (as well as a magical journey) to have crossed paths with Maria & I am truly blessed to have her as a friend and mentor.

Marcus D                                                                                                    
7th July 2009

Reiki Practitioner, Hero's Journey Workshop Presenter

Cath - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2008

Each session or appointment was done with professionalism, compassion and thought and you quickly realized the genuine and sincere qualities Maria has.  Her knowledge and understanding of all things universal and spiritual are wide and in depth and the proof of the pudding was in her explanations to me about my life both past and present and how it made everything make sense and also her healing with my horses.  The animals sensed immediately her abilities and communicated in a way I had never seen before. The dog that was making the horse uneasy at the time, tuned into the horses need for it to stay its distance which it did by sitting down and not moving until she was finished.  The mare kept placing herself behind her foal to say she wanted the foal to be healed first, which Maria did and then the mare allowed herself to healed.  After a session with the Mare, it walked out into the paddock for a few minutes, then came straight back to both of us standing at the gate and went to each of us one at a time to say thank you and acknowledged me for getting Maria to look at her, then walked off again.  That I had never seen before and I have been around horses all my life (I am 50).

Katherine - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2008

Six months down the line and she is still sought after by many here in NZ. She made quite an impression in a very short time, changed many lives, made lifelong friends and sparked a great amount of light in our little town in the South Pacific. She is sorely missed but we know she must follow her path and there are many more lives to be touched by this gentle healer/ teacher. We wish her all the best and eagerly await her return.

Amie - Nova Scotia, - Canada 2008

Hi my name is Amie J and I was born in Nova Scotia Canada. I stumbled upon Maria in Wanganui, New Zealand. I happen to be wondering the street one day and decided to explore a little court yard that struck me as intriguing, as I walked up I noticed the nice feeling I had in myself. Then I noticed a little shop with pretty rocks and eye catching creativity. As I was reading the sign on the front door of the shop, Maria opens the door, and commented that her ears started to ring, and that she felt someone at the door. I found that very interesting. She invited me in with an open warm heart, I thought to myself wow she’s cool I like her; we had a great chat about our life experiences. Ever since that day of meeting Maria, she altered my direction for the better, I continued to pop over for visits and took part in some of her psychic development classes, she became a friend. Maria has knowledge and power to help shift beings into a more aware state of consciousness.
A true blessing to have met you Maria, may you be a loving example for those and inspire them to move towards their highest potential, many blessings, hugs and love...

Tania - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2008

Maria found the real me hidden within. Through her gifts she helped me find the strength to overcome a very painful time in my life. She managed to draw out the tears & by doing so, helped alleviate the pain I was feeling so that it seemed to almost disappear. Maria gave me the strength to overcome my fears so that now each day is an adventure, not a chore or something to be scared & wary about. She helped draw out the negativity & hurtful emotions so that I could deal with them & move on. Maria taught me that I have to love myself before I can love others (cos it's all about me you know!!) The strength my children have now because of Maria's healings, guidance & friendship is something i will be eternally grateful for. Cheers.

Julie - Wanganui, - New Zealand 2008

I met Maria at a time in my life when I was running on adrenaline, had no time to take a breath & no space for myself.  I was putting everyone else first & settling for the wrong men & accepting the leftovers from others.  Subconsciously, I didn't feel that I deserved any better.  Well Maria had news for me!!  Through her healings & her wonderful friendship, she helped instill in me the confidence to be myself, to take time out for me, that I am worthy & not to settle for just any man, or for that matter, any situation that isn't acceptable.  Maria has shown me the light at the end of the tunnel.  Through her guidance, I am sorting out the baggage, (of which I had quite an amount!) & I'm now not taking on other people’s issues & negativity.  It’s not that I don't care anymore; it’s more that I am looking positively forward. What you put out there is what you get back.  I now have the confidence to strive for my goals & aspirations.  I am currently in my first year of a Bachelor of Nursing Degree.  Without Maria's wisdom & guidance, I would still be going round in circle chasing my tail!  Even though sometimes there were things said that I didn't want to hear, on reflection it all made perfect sense.  I thank you Maria from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful times we shared, for our spiritual visitors, but most of all the laughter! 

Mary - Santa Cruz, CA - USA 2007

It is with profound gratitude that I recommend Maria Lawless as a lifetime Intuitive Healer.
Move over History… HERE SHE COMES.

Judith - Santa Cruz, CA -USA 2005

As my daughter, Maria intuitively knows when my Multiple Sclerosis is causing me pain and contacts me. With her Distance Healings I immediately feel relief. You can’t describe what she does, you have to experience it. I am so proud of her for nurturing her abilities. She has never stopped developing or studying. I have not been in a wheelchair since 1992 and can still do my paintings!


Danna - Cameron Park, CA -USA 2004

Healing has been her passion since I have known her. I have experienced her energy, and have witnessed her healing success with others. She has an extraordinary gift. One time in particular sticks out in my mind, when together, Maria and another healer helped me heal a kitten that was terminally ill with feline AIDS. Today Sugar is as feisty and healthy as they come!

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